Category: Doggies

Playtime in the desert!

Happy Sunday Funday everyone!! 🙂 🙂 I had my funday yesterday!! We went riding out in the was the perfect day to spend out in nature! I even took one of my dogs, he LOVES to ride!! We went out for dinner last night after our ride, we went to my friends Mexican restaurant. It was YUM! There was a 45 minute wait to get in, but luckily I know the owner and he saved us a table. hehe! He is like my brother…we grew up in Nebraska together. We were neighbors since I was 5 years old. Pretty cool that we all ended up in AZ!! 🙂 I am still trying to decide what I want to do today? I cleaned my house on Friday..finished laundry..washed my cars so I am FREE today! I already did my cardio for the day..I should go to the gym later this afternoon. We’ll see? I might do a little shopping ..maybe? It is still 80 degrees here and sunny…it makes it hard to stay inside. Such a great winter! Wow! Here are some pics from yesterday!!

I hope you all have an awesome Sunday!! See you Wednesday for my members cam show!! 😉


Enjoying the beautiful day with my hunny and doggie!


Let’s go already! Probably the best rider ever!

A nice walk in the sand and water.

Yikes..a rattlesnake! We just watched him slowly cross in front of us.


The moon over Four Peaks.

Pretty sunset.

Monday already?

Good morning!! Ohhh it is so beautiful outside, I just want to be outside all day!! Spring is coming…the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. I love this time of the year! 😉 I hope you all had a great weekend!! I did!! Friday night I relaxed with my sweetie and my furry babies…we watched movies and snuggled up in the living room. I love nights like that! Saturday we went to a party with family and friends…we stayed the night because we knew we were going to be drinking…I did get to bring my kitty and one of my dogs. 🙂 They had fun too! Sunday we woke up early, had breakfast and headed home. I wasn’t hungover..YAY!! I drank lots of water to stay hydrated…smart huh? 😉 Sunday was a great day..Buzz and I chilled in the hot tub. It was sunny and warm outside, talk about total relaxation! I enjoyed a spicy bloody favorite!! It was a nice weekend!! I am ready for a busy work week ahead!! Bring it on!

I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!


Awww relaxing after a long week! haha

She is patiently waiting for summer swim time!

Drunk fun on Saturday night!

Loving my baby!

Naked hot tub fun!

Camping Fun!!

Good morning!!! I just got back late last night from a fun camping trip! I needed my nature time!! It was so beautiful and peaceful!! We ended up camping in the high desert, the mountains don’t have any snow and they said it’s a muddy mess! The weather was perfect!! 🙂 There is still plenty of time to snow, right? It has been such a warm winter so far! It was a great weekend, I recharged my batteries and I am ready for a productive week ahead. I have a really busy day..I have to unpack and clean the RV, catch up on laundry, work and hit the gym. I wanted to stop by and say hello since I have not written in awhile and of course share some pics. 🙂 🙂

I hope you all had an awesome weekend and a romantic Valentines Day! 😉 Enjoy your Monday!


Rocky’s favorite spot in the RV!



This is Rocky’s camping fun!

Morning hike with Mia!

Me and my love!


Friday night sunset!

Saturday night sunset!



Hey Hey everyone!! Happy Hump Day!! I can’t believe how much energy I have had the past few days…WOW! I have been juicing for months now off and on, but really doing it daily lately and I can’t believe my energy level. It is amazing!! I have noticed my skin changing too…it glows. And no I am not pregnant. LOL! I still eat food… I don’t think I could just live on juice, but it’s good between meals. If you have not tried really should! 🙂 🙂 I have also been meditating every other day, I can’t seem to do it every day. I get too distracted. I am keeping my goals in line for 2014 and I am happy about that. It has cooled off in the desert a bit…another cloudy day and only 52 degrees. I know that isn’t THAT cold, but it’s chilly for us. It’s nice to get out my hats, sweaters and boots! Don’t get me wrong I love the 70’s, but I am enjoying a cool down. I love sitting outside by the fire-pit or heater, it’s so cozy and comforting. I am hoping for some snow in the mountains this weekend so I can go play a bit. I haven’t seen snow since last winter!!

A big thank you to “plastiek” for all the awesome gifts! I am loving them all, thanks so much! A scarf, jewelry, dresses, a strawberry apron, lingerie (all very sexy) and of course I can’t forget the cat treats and toy!! Rocky says thank you too! He LOVES the treats and I don’t think I can get them in the states which is a bummer.

I will be scheduling my next cam show and shoot soon guys!! 🙂 I am getting anxious and ready to get naughty! ~hehe~

I hope you all have a fabulous day ahead..make it count, make it great!

Snuggle bug Mia!