Category: Doggies

Enjoying life!

Hey everyone!! It’s a rainy mess in the desert today. Lots of flooding!! One of the wettest days in history. I enjoyed watching it this morning while sipping my coffee. 🙂 I love the smell and listening to it hit my pool, its so peaceful! Not much new going on with me…working and playing as usual! 😉 Just enjoying life, the little things!! 🙂 🙂 I hope you all had a great weekend!! Mine was nice..had some pool time and also painted my studio. Been making changes and decorating it a little bit too. You must check out my new POV site!! It rocks!! I am off to a birthday celebration tonight, should be fun!! I hope you all have a great Monday!!


A Fun Weekend!!

Good morning everyone!! Did you all have a nice weekend?? I have been working a lot lately, but have been finding time to play too. I think a mix of hard work and hard play is necessary!! 🙂 🙂 I went to the salon on Thursday, love love love getting my hair done. Now that I am brunette it is SO much healthier! I am going to lighten it up next time with some highlights! 🙂 I like to change things around a bit. The weather has been a little cooler lately which is a nice break. My dogs are even liking it, playing fetch and running around a bit more. They get bored of the heat too. Mia has turned into a fish, she jumps in the pool every chance she gets. It has been a little over 2 years since we adopted her and she hated water. Boy she has come a long way!! Such an angel of a dog..of course they all are! 😉 Friday night Buzz and I met up with some friends for a few cocktails. We have not seen them in years so it was nice to catch up. Time goes by so fast, but we must make time for friends and family! Saturday I worked around my house then hit the pool for a few hours. After that we went out to about a cheat weekend! Yikes! I have been doing soooo good on my diet and exercise, but hey…that is what weekends are for right? hehe! Yesterday was my dads birthday, he turned 72! My brother and his wife had everyone over their house for pizza! Yum! I bought three different desserts because I couldn’t decide on just one. It’s my sister in laws bday today so we pretty much celebrated both. It was fun!! Ohhhh and guess what? A little critter slithered into my house …YEP another snake. This is snake #2! We had one back in August of 2011. They both were babies so I am sure they can crawl in through a tiny hole. I think all the rain brings them to my house. I am ok with snakes as long as they are NOT poisonous like Rattlesnakes. I think it was another King Snake, which are not bad snakes. I think they actually keep away Rattlers. So hey they are welcome in my yard anytime. (not my house) It was kind of interesting because my cat was playing with it. He was batting it around, it was all coiled up into a little ball. It was playing dead. Smart snake! We put it in a bucket and realized it was not dead, we put him out in my front yard. Never a dull moment at my house!! I am off to happy hour today with friends. 🙂 I want to take a day this week and head up to Northern Arizona for a road trip. I am feeling the need to get out of the valley at least for a day. Sorry I am babbling so much today. lol!! Here are a few pics I have taken recently and of course some selfies! 😉 Have a wonderful day everyone…ENJOY!



More Crazy Monsoons!

Hey Hey everyone! Happy Hump Day!! The middle of the week has arrived already, time sure flies!! Yesterday was a crazy day in the desert and by that I mean weather wise. It’s Monsoon season so we expect some storms to roll through this time of the year. However yesterday some cities in the valley got hit HARD! Lots of flooding and damage. I feel so bad for those people…some of them lost everything with no flood insurance. sad. I also saw on the news some cattle and horses trying to escape the floods. A lot of horses got injured and still missing. I heard some dogs are missing now too. Breaks my heart. Mother nature was not very nice yesterday! If you know me you know I love nature. I took some pretty cool pics yesterday. 🙂 Stormy days or nights always make for the prettiest sunsets. I was out and about most of the day yesterday so I kind of enjoyed the rain and clouds. We got a lot of rain at my house, but no damage of any kind. I did see a few trees down in my area, but that is normal when we get any kind of rain or wind. More storms are coming tomorrow. Mia is sporting her Thundershirt a lot lately. I always heard that it worked and now I am a believer. The minute I put it on her, she stops shaking. Pretty cool really! 🙂 They should make those for people with anxiety. hehe! Wouldn’t that be cute? lol!

I have had a busy week so far …lots of stuff going on. However I am hoping to play some this weekend! I have been a homebody lately and I am feeling the need to get out! 🙂 🙂 I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far!! Sending lots of love your way!


Summer Storms!!

Good morning!! I am loving our weather the past few days…lots of storms rolling through bringing lightning, thunder and monster rain drops! It’s such a nice change because it rarely rains in the desert. It’s so peaceful and relaxing…except for 2 of my dogs that absolutely hate it. Ugh!! 🙁 Mia is sporting her new pink thundershirt! hehe! Besides the fact that she looks totally adorable, it does work. She stopped shaking immediately, her tongue was still out, but it did calm her down. Woohoo! I always heard they worked. I might have to buy one for Tony now. He does ok if I turn the TV on kind of loud. It seems to calm him down, distract him I suppose. I enjoyed a little pool time yesterday after I got all my work done. I cranked up some 80’s music, jumped on my raft naked and sipped on some ginger ale. Yum! I haven’t been drinking any alcohol lately, just detoxing for a bit with food and drinks. I have been juicing a ton!! Lots of fruits and veggies. I love the fruit juices I make, but to be honest the veggie ones are kind of gross. I hate beets..but I put them in every drink. They are super healthy, but yuk I hate the taste. I am not a big fan of cucumbers either, but I juice them as well. It sucks to be healthy! haha, just kidding. I feel so amazing when I drink them, my body thanks me with a smile!!  🙂 🙂 I have realized that without your health you have nothing!!! I see so many unhealthy people in my life that it just motivates me to keep on a healthy path with exercising, eating good and less alcohol. I don’t drink soda and I was getting bored of water so I have been flavoring my water with fruits. I make them with lemons, limes, any kind of berries, ginger, mint leaves and cucumbers sometimes too. I let them sit in the refrigerator overnight and they are super delicious the next day. I try and drink a gallon a day…but I usually fall short. It’s hard to drink that much water. I tend to drink more in the summer for obvious reasons. 🙂

Here are a few pics I want to share! 🙂 You can’t deny natures true beauty!! Am I the only one that finds the sky and clouds fascinating?

Wish you all a happy happy hump day!! 😉


Looking totally cute in her thundershirt!!

This mornings storm out my office window.

Some pool time yesterday while the sun lasted.

Last nights storm rolling in.

My only dog that isn’t afraid of storms. He sat outside with me and enjoyed the rain.