Category: Doggies

~Merry Christmas~

Merry Christmas!! I hope you have a great holiday!!! I need to start peeling my potatoes for my famous mashed potatoes…and off to spend the day with my family. I am in charge of the mashed potatoes every holiday because they are so delicious! Did you all enjoy your Christmas Eve? Mine was cool…my family came over and we grilled out. We had a feast..even had ice cream cake for dessert. Wow..that was yummy! We opened a few gifts, but still have a few under the tree the we will open this morning.

I snapped a few pics of my dogs enjoying their holiday goodies, this photo came out the best. None of them would stay still long enough for me to take their photos. Ha, gotta love his santa hat.

Enjoy your holiday!!! Have a great time with your family and friends!!!

~~Brrrrrr, winter has arrived in Arizona~~

Happy Monday!!!! Brrr, it is cold and rainy here in the desert…only 42 degrees. It is supposed to be like this for a few days, but that is ok. I kind of like it. It is a nice change! 🙂 I hope you all had a great weekend!! Mine was cool. I did some shopping yesterday and ran some errands. I came home and took my dogs for a walk, it was a bit brisk outside. They loved it. I even finished my Christmas cards last night. It definitely feels like the holiday season now.
I have a busy Monday..I need to run more errands and this afternoon I have an eye exam. Once again my eyes have changed. Yuk! I am so blind!! Yes I have thought of eye surgery, but I am a chicken and will stick to contacts and glasses for now. Maybe someday I will consider it. 🙂
I am posting a cute pic of one of my doggies, he is so adorable. He is only 2, he is the baby of the pack.  As you can see he snuggles on the couch because the tile is too cold for him. He is the only short hair dog I have and he gets colder than the others. My other dogs love winter!

Have a great day!! ENJOY your Monday!

***Happy Black Friday***

Good morning, happy black Friday! Any of you crazy people going shopping?? If so..good luck! You will not catch me shopping today… I don’t like crowds!! Today is a good day for me to stay away from the malls. I can’t believe I just wrote that. LOL! I know there will be some great bargains today, but I must pass. I do most of my Christmas shopping on line.
It is so foggy this morning, wow..weird weather. It rained off and on yesterday…it was very peaceful and relaxing. How was your Thanksgiving?? Mine was awesome! I was very happy with the way my turkey turned out, it was YUMMY! If anyone wants the recipe let me know. I was a bit intimidated making my first one, but it was so easy! All the food was really good. My dogs enjoyed their Thanksgiving meal last night and again this morning they had more turkey. My family went for a nice long walk with all my dogs a few hours after dinner. It was so cool outside and after all that food, it was very refreshing to get a little exercise. It was funny to see 10 people walking 4 dogs down the street. I am posting a photo from our walk, look at those clouds! I thought that was so gorgeous! We played Monopoly and that was also fun. (see pic) I had to post a photo of my dogs after they ate, they were so full! Ha, except I am missing one, I think he went to bed after his meal. Smart dog. 🙂

I hope you all have a great Friday ..whatever you do!!!

~Only Two more days~

Good morning..happy Hump Day!!!!! My week is getting better as it goes. b-day is only two days away ..can’t wait for the big weekend. It is going to be soooo much fun! My girlfriend Dakota arrived safely and she is going to shoot some sexy pics today. I need to run a few last errands and pick up some more goodies for all my guests. My dogs are sitting by her room waiting for her to wake is so cute. They love her. I took a picture of Josie waiting patiently for her to wak so she can give her love..lots of kisses. Adorable!

It is still pretty hot here in the 80’s! I am happy because that is perfect weather for entertaining outside. Too cold to swim, but good for the hot tub. 🙂

Have an awesome day!! ENJOY!