Category: Doggies


Good morning..can you believe it is Monday already? The weekends go way too fast. I worked all day yesterday except taking a small break to work out and grab some lunch. I was going to make a big meal last night and was pooped out. I threw together a pasta meal that was pretty tasty. 🙂

I am working again today…I have SO much to do in the next few days, but that’s ok..the fun is coming soon!!

I am posting a cute photo of one of my dogs. I went to the pet store the other day and bought them some treats, bones and a stuffed animal. It is so funny, he will not go anywhere without this stuffed animal by his side. He even sleeps with it. Here is a picture of him crashed out in my office. He is so adorable. I have been exercising all four of my dogs a lot lately now that the weather is cooled down and they are loving it! I bought a cookbook for some new healthy meals that I will try. It has almost been a year since they have been on this particular homemade diet and they are very happy doggies. And when they are happy Rachel is happy! 🙂

Have an awesome Monday..don’t work too hard.

~Shooting today~

Good morning, happy hump day!! We are off to shoot a new sexy model for Aziani today. Her plane will be arriving shortly. You guys will like her a lot! If you have some free time, stop by to see her on cam!!
So are you happy about the election? I know some of you are..and some are not. I suppose that is the way it goes. I did vote yesterday and there was no line…it was awesome. Nice and organized.
My dogs are craaaaazy today. Two of them have been playing non stop for almost an hour. I had to snap a pic of them. Aren’t they cute? They are my red dogs..hehe! They are MY babies for sure, they follow me all over the house… they won’t let me leave their sight. Guess they are feeling good and happy today. Which of course always makes me happy. I will be doing a pet walk in will raise $$$$ for homeless pets in AZ. I will give you more details soon, maybe you will sponsor me?
Well boys & girls I have a busy day ahead so I must go cardio and to the airport after that. Have an awesome day!!!!


*Silly dogs*

Good morning! Happy Hump Day…gotta love the middle of the week!
Did you have a nice Tuesday?? Mine was ok. I did get my hair done which is always a good thing. I went to the pet store to pick up some goodies for my dogs..and their vitamins. I snapped a pic of Josie & Neo chewing their treats all over the carpet. Why do they do that? Why can’t they stay on the tile? Silly dogs! Oh well..they were in heaven and happy dogs..that makes for a happy mom.

I worked until 8:00 last night. I poured a glass of wine and fell asleep on the couch a few minutes after that. I hate when I fall asleep with my contacts in. Ouch! I slept like a baby…very very nice.

I am leaving for a meeting soon. I hired a company to do some work in my yard and I need to finalize all the goodies. I am having a nice Italian meal tonight with my family. Trying a new place. I love Italian food so i am sure it will be wonderful!

I hope you have a great Wednesday! I will see you Friday night, I will be shooting and it will be LIVE. 🙂

Happy Happy Friday everyone!!!

Good morning!! I was up early again today..not because of the birds this time. I had to take one of my dogs to the vet for a teeth cleaning. He has finally been given a clean bill of health after several blood tests, ultrasounds and even a biopsy. They thought something was wrong with his liver, but he is healthy after all. YEAH! Now they can safely put him under anesthesia. He should be a very happy boy with pretty shiny teeth!
He is the one on the left …isn’t he adorable? Josie is on the right..she is my baby girl. My only female dog and she rules the three boys. It is kind of funny. Yeah..girl power. LOL! I am not sure of their breed because I adopted them both from the pound. They kind of look alike, huh? I am guessing they both have some Chow in them. Such cutie pies!
We had another storm hit last night and WOW the weather cooled in the 80’s. It was GREAT! I sat outside on the patio and watched the rain, I love doing that. It is so peaceful.
Any day is good so far. I will be busy working all day. Tonight I invited some friends over for a cookout. Should be fun! Enjoy your Friday..have an awesome weekend!