Category: Glamour

*New Photos*

Woohoo 98 and rain today. Ha..I will believe it when I see it. 😉 Not a cloud in the sky right now. However, I did wash my cars yesterday so it will probably rain. NO!!! I really hope that is the end to the 100’s!! I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed. I hope you enjoyed your Saturday …and your Sunday is good so far! I know lots of you are happy football has arrived. Pizza, beer and football..I like!! Do any of you drink tomato juice in your beer?? That is the only way I can drink it. It was big in the Midwest, everyone drank red beers..I can’t find many people in Arizona who like it. If you like tomato juice, you would like it. A splash of salt, pepper and lime or lemon is good in it too. Yum! Sounds so good and it is only 8:00 am. hehe!

Today is going to be a fun girly day. A friend of mine is having her baby shower this afternoon. I am so excited for her, she is 38 and has been trying to get pregnant for a long time. This is her first baby and she is thrilled!! She is going to be such a great mama! This baby will be so lucky to have such great parents. Yay..happy times!

I added my new sexy red dress pics!! I hope you like them! I had to show you the first photo with the guy in it. OMG! That was the owner of the house and he drove us crazy! Only one word describes him “CREEEEEPPPPYYYYY!!” Won’t go into detail…but I did get a kick out of this pic. He stood right in the background of my set. lol! Ummm, excuse me… but please move your creepy ass. 😉 ~LMAO~

ENJOY your day!


**Cam Show Change**

Good morning!! Once again I am up with the birds. 🙂 No matter what time I go to bed, I still wake up early. Guess I am programed that way. Ahhh I just heard the weather report and it is supposed to cool into the 80’s by next Tuesday! WOW!!!! Finally a cool down, that makes me happy! I know ..I know, it doesn’t take much to excite 😉

Yesterday I busted my butt all day and got caught up from my camping trip. Yay! Today I have to run a bunch of errands and I will be able to relax over the weekend a bit. I had to reschedule my cam show for Oct 6th. (Wednesday) Sorry guys!! Something unexpected came up tonight and unfortunately nothing I can do about that. Out of my control. Soooo I will see you next Wednesday!!! 🙂

I wish you a happy day!! ENJOY!

A peaceful & quiet Monday!!

Good Monday morning!! Wow..I am enjoying this morning a lot. I love love love peace and quiet..especially when I start my day. I woke up at 5:00..probably because I fell asleep so early last night. I was tired after a fun-filled weekend. Around 6:00 the sky was so beautiful, a vanilla sky. Everything looked pink, it was gorgeous. I heard a cool down is finally coming. Geesh, I am ready!! I will be a little sad to see the pool time go, but tub time is coming!! I am ready to wear tight jeans, a low-cut sweater and some sexy high heels. 🙂 I am bored of my bikinis ..OOPS..did I just say that? lol! Just ready for a change..that’s all!:)

I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Football has started so I am happy about that. My favorite sport ever!! Not sure what happened to my AZ Cardinals? Yikes! Missing Kurt already!

I need to go through all my notes on my desk and my I-calendar this morning to see what is going on for the day. I am thinking “my to do” list is big, but not stressful or crazy today. I am liking that! 🙂
Have a fabulous Monday everyone! ENJOY!


Here are a few upcoming sets!! 🙂

New Photos!!!!!

Happy Saturday everyone!!! The weekend is here! Aren’t you happy? I am!! My sweetie is coming home today, should be here in a few hours…can’t wait!! It is going to be a weekend filled with mind is in the gutter. lol 😉

My new photos just went up and here are a few samples. I hope you like them!! It was so beautiful shooting next to the ocean…I didn’t even notice the construction guys next door. Haha..kidding of course. It took me awhile to warm up with the fact that they were peeking over at me. Can’t blame guys for looking!! 😉

I wish you all a happy fun-filled weekend ahead! ENJOY! As I look down at my coffee cup “Do what you like, like what you do.” A pink coffee cup with a big red heart on it…the other side “Life is good!”
