Category: Glamour

Thanks guys :))))

Good morning! Ahhhh feeling refreshed today!! 🙂 I am looking forward to another fun day in the sun! I should say “relaxing” day in the sun, that’s more like it.  Thanks guys for the compliments on my new bikini pics. WOW..I love waking up to messages like that. Thank you sooooo much!! I will be broadcasting my next shoot in California on Sept 11th!! Come hang out with me while I get naked & naughty for you LIVE! 😉

Ok..gotta run now. I am heading out for breakfast….An omelet loaded up with meat and veggies sounds good to me.

Have a fabulous Sunday! Love you guys!



My new bikini update is so appropriate today…it is HOT HOT HOT outside!  At 9:00 this morning it was already 93 degrees. A great day to spend floating around in the pool. I need some R & R big time after this past week. I accomplished so much this week and I have to admit I am glad it is over ….I wish I could say that this week was not stressful, but it was! Busy is good…but OMG pure craziness is just bad. Sooo I am happy to say “Hello Long Weekend!!” You will find me chilling in my pool..perhaps sipping a margarita. Or two! 😉 Already have some healthy food ready for the bbq… and tennis balls ready for my pups to fetch. I wish you all a great..happy weekend ahead!!!


~Thank you Luis~

Happy September 1st!! 🙂 New month means new things, I like that!! I have a busy day full of errands and appointments. It is going to be a good day! I want to thank Luis from Spain for the beautiful drawing, he said he drew it in Chinese ink. Thanks so much sweetie, I love it. You are very talented and I will cherish this drawing just like all the others! 🙂

Have a fabulous Hump Day everyone..ENJOY!!!


Back From Colorado!! And sharing a new photo update and Cam show archive too!

Good morning!! I hope you all had a great past few days! 🙂 I know I did! WOW…what can I say about my trip to Colorado? It was soooo awesome! Hanging out with amazing friends, riding in the beautiful mountains, enjoying gorgeous nature and eating at some delicious restaurants. The town I stayed in was tiny!! I am not used to that type of small town, but it was super cool. I felt like I was back in the late 1800’s. Lots of great history there. Everyone was so nice!! The temps were awesome…it was mostly in the 50’s-60’s, but did get in the 30’s as we climbed the mountains. Brrrrr!! It was refreshing though, felt so nice to be out of the desert! I did see lots of animals too, the whole trip was excellent!! I feel rejuvenated and ready to get back to work. Lots to do today..and I must go workout. Yikes …the food was yummy, but not exactly healthy. Will be hitting the gym hard!!

My new photos updated while I was gone and I also uploaded my last members only cam show. Soooo be sure to check them both out when you have time. 😉
I am off to work work work now!!! ENJOY your Hump Day!
