Category: Hanging with friends

Off to the FBR Open today!!! :-)

Good morning, happy Friday!! I have a fun day planned…going to the FBR Open here in Scottsdale.  I am meeting up with my family, there are all HUGE golf lovers. It is going to be a nice day, in the 70’s and sunny. A perfect day to walk the course. I find it very peaceful and relaxing on the course, I am sure today will be a bit crazy with all the people. Still FUN! After that I am meeting up with some friends for Friday night cocktails. I heard one of the bars in the tournament gets pretty crazy and is a lot of fun. Woohoo!

I had a great day yesterday!! Everything worked out perfectly. I even shot some pics on the Aziani motorcycle..ha, can’t say I have ever had a motorcycle in my house. LOL! It was actually my studio house …BOY if those walls could talk! They have seen it all! I took a photo with Jeremy and Lin. Lin is the crazy stunt rider. He is super awesome! He is so talented and so super sweet. Don’t let the tats fool you. hehe!  I think I might head to Aruba in April to see him compete. That would be sooo much fun!  Jeremy is Buzz’s PA, he is wonderful too. He is the guy you see moving around lights when we shoot. Nice guys! 🙂 And I love nice guys!
I also took a few behind the scenes silly photos of Eric doing my hair and makeup. He rocks!! I shot some behind the scenes video yesterday as well. My members have been asking for more of that..sooo coming soon!! Well I need to get moving now. Have a fantastic Friday everyone..enjoy!


~Back From Vegas~

Good morning!! I am back!! Wow..what a fun trip! Vegas is always so crazy…so nuts. I always eat and drink too much and never get enough sleep. Guess that is what vacation is for!! It was fun seeing old friends and of course making new ones!! I have to admit it feels nice to be home, I missed my dogs and my bed. Even though the hotel had a super comfy bed, it’s still not the same. I did take a bunch of pics I will post to my scrapbook section soon, but I wanted to share a few with you. This is the sexy black outfit I wore to the AVN awards. So many sexy girls and guys running around. 🙂
We were invited to a house party one afternoon and they could see the entire strip view from their backyard, I thought that was really cool. I bet it looks awesome at night when all the lights come on.
One night we had dinner with my good friends Allie & Jake, talk about a yummy restaurant. It is called Little Buddha in the Palms! Great Asian food!!
Back to work for me today, my “to do” list is HUGE! The weather is so gorgeous…70 and sunny, makes it hard to stay indoors and work. I hope everyone had a great weekend and a nice start to a new week. Have a great Tuesday!


Happy Christmas Eve!

Good  morning, Happy Christmas Eve everyone!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time with family & friends!! I will be cooking tonight for my family and probably drinking some yummy egg nog. It wil be fun!

I ran a bunch of errands yesterday and it was super busy out, but I found some killer sales!! I went to PetsMart and bought my dogs a bunch of Christmas goodies…. some bones shaped like candy canes. Ha, they are really cute and the dogs seem to like them. We must not forget our furry friends on Christmas!!

Dakota and I went out to dinner last night….we had some delicious Mexican food. 🙂 It was fun!

Ok..I am off now!! I have a busy day before my family arrives. Have a happy happy Christmas Eve!

Another day of work.. work.. work!!

Good morning! Another great night of sleep. Wow..I am liking this. I bought some relaxing, night-time tea and it really works! It makes my entire body relax and actually sleep the entire night. I am so glad someone introduced this into my life! (thanks Rene)  If you have trouble sleeping..try it!! I have always been a light sleeper, I hear everything! When I have a cup of this tea before bed, I sleep deep. Nice! Loving that! 🙂

I am posting a few more pics from Saturday night. Chica and I have so much fun together…she Rocks! And boy those guys are sure looking good! (especially the one in the middle) *wink* I have so many photos to add to my scrapbook section. I will have to sit down for a few hours and put them in…SOON!

I worked all day yesterday and went out for Chinese food for dinner. ~Yummy~ I was craving some hot spicy food. Today I am doing the same..working. I made a crock pot full of chili for stuff too! It is a perfect day for that..only 66. I mean that is cold for us desert rats, but I am really enjoying the cooler weather. Makes me think it is actually the holiday season!!

Have an awesome day..enjoy your Tuesday!