Category: Hanging with friends

****Shooting New Aziani model today****

Good morning! Happy Hump Day! 😉

We are off to shoot a new Aziani model today and let me tell you..she is sooooo fine! Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous! You’ll see! She kind of looks like Pamela Anderson, but I think even prettier! And I love Pam!
It is going to be a beautiful day to shoot..85 and sunny! Yeah..the weather is finally cooling to what I think is perfect!

I was hanging out with Eric (my makeup artist) and Priya Rai a few weeks ago and Eric brought his new puppy over. YES she is pink! LOL! Her name is Sugar and she is so adorable! I love her! Any ways..he is a hair stylist too so I guess he thought she would look cute pink. ha! Silly boy!

Have a great day..I have a lot to do today before the shoot.



Hey everyone!!!!! I am back! I had an awesome trip to Colorado …we went to visit our great friends Allie & Jake!! We rode our Razors in the beautiful CO mountains and had soooo much fun! We rode all day and had great weather…yeah, it stayed sunny the entire time. It did get a bit chilly when we hit 12,000 ft. Brrr! The views from that high are AMAZING!!

We drove into town and had some yummy dinners and chilled by the fireplace at night. We also celebrated Buzz’s 40th birthday!! We had some delicious b-day cake too! It was a perfect vacation…by far one of my all time favorites!! We did run into some snow and that was fun to play in. It took 12 1/2 hours to get there which was not so bad because we drove it in two days. Yesterday we drove straight …took a different route which was even longer. 15 1/2!! That was a looong drive, it was fun though. Eat junk food, drink lots of caffeine, chat, sing…I kept myself entertained. 🙂

I am posting a few photos from the trip. I will post all of them to my scrapbook section soon!
The first photo is the view outside our patio window, how stunning is that? The lake was full of animals and you know how much I love that. I love nature trips! Really brings you back to what is truly important in life.

Be sure to check out my sexy friend Allie!!!! Click here to see more of Allie…

I have such a huge busy day…I must go now. Have an awesome Tuesday!!!!! I need to spend some extra time with my dogs, they missed me. AND of course I missed them too! 🙂


Whew…tired today!

Good afternoon!!! Wow..I am tired today. I didn’t get home until 3:30 last night..that is WAY late for this girl. We went out to a strip club and partied like Rock Stars..they even shuttled us around in their limo! It was fun, but I am pooped out. I will need a long nap today.

Lexxi’s shoot was a lot of fun yesterday, she is super hot! Love her! And well..she must love me too. Look at that cute little kiss she gave me. 😉 You will be able to see all her NEW sexy phots & vids coming to SOON!

I hope you are having a great today!!! I am off to try and get some work done before I crash again. ha!


ONE more day of shooting!! Woohooooo

Good morning, YES we are shooting again today. Soooo many beautiful girls coming your way!!! You are going to be very happy boys and girls!! 😉

Brea Lynn was awesome, she was super cool. So adorable and cute..nice too! We hit it off big time. We are even meeting up and going out tonight. I took a pic with her yesterday and don’t make fun of my sweatpants. hehe! I just got back from the gym so not exactly looking HOT. lol! You will be able to see her soon on

I also added my new photo update, be sure to check it out. Some pretty sexy pics I must admit. 😉

I am off to have lunch with my sister in law today and will be at the shoot today too. If I have some extra time I will log on to chat with you all. K? Stop by her shoot if you have some extra time. Gotta run now..time to eat breakfast, feed dogs, workout and shower. A full day ahead..but FUN! Hope you will enjoy your Tuesday!
