Category: Misc photos

~Holiday Season Has Arrived~

Happy Friday..TGIF!! 🙂 When Eggnog and Southern Comfort enter my house, that means the official Holiday season has arrived. 😉 It so yum! I love sitting by the fireplace sipping it. Very rich stuff, but it warms me right up. I have my little tree up, but still no big tree. I am hoping to get it sometime next week. The place I buy it from was just setting up the trees yesterday. They usually set up the day after Thanksgiving, they are late this year. I think I might even put some lights up in my backyard..decorate the cactus and palm trees. That would look cool! 🙂

I want to thank Rob & Matt for the birthday goodies. Rob sent me a Victoria Secret gift card, which is always awesome. We are going to go shopping together. He lives in the Netherlands so we might not be able to hook up at the mall (lol)..but we can surely shop online. 🙂 Thanks so much!! And Matt wrote and sang a birthday song just for me..him and his partner! Wow..they are very talented, it was super cool! Thank you again!! And I just love the card. It is so girly girl, just like me. 🙂

Today I am taking the afternoon off….we are taking family photos. I need a big picture above my fireplace and it is a perfect spot for a family portrait. An important spot for an important picture. After that I think we will all head out for lunch and enjoy our Friday away from our computers. I need a break!!

Buzz will be shooting 2 Aziani models on this coming Sunday and we will be broadcasting the sexy fun “behind the scenes” …so be sure to stop by and sneak a peek!!

Have a great Friday!! Make it great!


Happy December 1st!!

Good morning, happy hump day everyone! Nothing like starting the day off with a donut full of sugar and happiness. lol! 😉 I am not really into sweet foods too much, I am more of a “salty” kind of girl. However I won’t complain when someone offers me a donut. YUM! I worked out so hard yesterday, makes me feel guilty eating bad. The holidays are here so I can cheat a little bit. Right? 🙂 🙂

Happy December 1st!! It was awesome Christmas shopping yesterday..the chilly weather, the holiday music, the beautiful decor …really puts me in the spirit!! Plus I did find some smoking bargains too. I still have a few more gifts to buy, trying to think of WHAT though? hmmm

I made reservations yesterday to go out for dinner on Christmas Eve this year, which is also a family birthday. We always try and celebrate his birthday over Christmas Eve..he kind of got jipped so we try and make it all about him! 🙂

I was hoping to get my tree today, but as the day goes…it is turning out to be pretty busy. Maybe tomorrow?

Create a great day!!~~~ ENJOY~~



Black Friday!!

Uh Friday has arrived! I NEVER go out shopping today, but I am still debating it. Part of me wants to head out for a nice lunch and hit a few stores…the other part wants to stay in my pj’s and watch football. I know Nebraska is playing and I would like to watch that game. Hmm! Such a tough decision! lol 😉 I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was fun! I didn’t drink too much wine or eat too much food! Shocking I know! I tried a little bit of everything..there was SO much food. OMG! My second family from Nebraska can cook! I miss NE food!! We had fun reminiscing about old times! “Drink to the future, but savor the past!!”

Ok..I need to go make a decision about what I am doing today. Why am I being so indecisive? Ugh!

Whatever you do…ENJOY!!


**Happy Thanksgiving**

A big happy turkey day to you all..gobble gobble!! 🙂 I hope you have a safe, happy and fun holiday! Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday..I do like Christmas, but Thanksgiving is not so commercialized. Thanksgiving is a day to spend time with the people you love…and give thanks! I try to appreciate all things around me everyday. I don’t really need a holiday for that..however, some people do. I am so grateful for all my friends and family. I am surrounded by the most amazing people! I count my blessings daily! I always make sure to tell people how special and important they are to me. I love hugs and kisses!! 😉 Be sure to take a little extra time out today and recognize the ones you love!!! 🙂 🙂

I did all my cooking last night! I am so excited to have it done! Buzz and I whipped up 2 batches of mashed potatoes and 2 huge pans of mac & cheese. Omg! I can’t believe all the cheese and butter…and bad stuff in them both. ha! Obviously just holiday food, nothing I would want to clog my arteries with any other time. I think they are going to be a big hit with everyone! YUM! There are supposed to be around 30 people there today. I just can’t wait to see everyone and share old childhood memories. Fun times! I am off early to go watch a parade that my niece is in. Awww how cute. It is cold this morning..only 44 right now..a high of only 60 expected. Feels like winter has arrived! I have my hot chocolate packed up..and a warm cozy sweater. After the parade, off to the Thanksgiving feast!!

Have the best Thanksgiving celebration ever! ~Cheers~
