Category: Scrapbook

A busy Monday ahead…

Good morning, afternoon or evening depending where you are!! 🙂 I hope you had an awesome weekend! Monday comes soooo fast, doesn’t it? I have a busy day ahead..lots of work to do and errands to run. It is beautiful outside…75 and sunny. Makes it hard to stay inside and work. At least I get to run errands and enjoy the weather a bit. I need to leash up my dogs and take them for a walk..perfect walking weather for them too!! 🙂

I had fun with Chica and Mary Carey last night. Good food, drinks and lots of laughs!! 🙂 🙂 Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Create a great day!

Brrrrr…chilly in the desert!!

Good morning!! Oh wow, it was in the 30’s when I woke up today…it still might be. Brrrrr!! I am all bundled up in my flannel pj’s, socks, hat and boot slippers. Trying to stay toasty warm in my house. I don’t turn on the heat until I absolutely have to! It is awesome sleeping weather. I love being all snuggled in my down comforter and pillows. It’s like a little piece of heaven. 🙂

I was feeling kind of yuk yesterday. I don’t know if it was a 24 hour bug or what? My entire body ached! Ouch! I pretty much worked in bed on my laptop all day..filled my body with vitamins and water. I had some delicious chicken noodle soup for dinner. Today I am back to my healthy self..thank God! I for sure thought it was the flu. Whew!

We planned on riding in the desert on Sunday, but it was pouring!! The clouds were super dark and didn’t look like it was going to let up..sooo we drove up North about an hour and found snow! Yay! Much better riding in snow than rain …it was so gorgeous out. BUT very cold…it was 32 when we pulled up. The snow didn’t last long and the temps warmed up ..which was awesome. I had so many clothes, hats and coats on that I could barely move. lol! But I stayed warm! 🙂 Everyone kept calling me Kenny from South Park. How sweet… I was so flattered ..haha! We ran into some interesting mining stuff! After that ride we needed to warm up with some pizza!!! We went out to dinner and chowed down on some good Chicago style pizza. Yummm!

Today is a typical work day for me…later this afternoon I am heading to the gym and also to start my Christmas shopping. I love this time of the year!! 🙂 🙂

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


~Off to play in the desert~

Good morning!! I woke up at 6:00 and have been packing for our day ride on the RzR. Food, drinks, goggles, guns, gloves, hats, coats…etc… You get the picture. LOL! It is going to be a chilly ride today in the desert..high of 60 and maybe rain. Things could get dirty…ahh I like dirty …hehe! 😉 It might snow on the mountains so never really know where we will end up. Seeing some snow right now would be cool. Off to finish packing now…have an awesome Sunday!


Good morning everyone!!! I had such a fun birthday on Sunday…but OMG, I did pay for it yesterday. OUCH! I was hurting! Thank God hangovers only last a day. lol!! It was a cold rainy day on Sunday so that kind of put a damper on my original plans. I decided to take a road trip up to Jerome Arizona. It is 2 hours from Phoenix and we were going to spend the day up, eating and drinking. However, we decided after one too many drinks to stay in the famous haunted hotel. I really wanted to see some ghosts or creepy things, but I didn’t ..darn! lol! Check out the is pretty cool!

I ate the some delicious food, had wayyyy too many drinks, played pool, danced and sang..omg, it was so much fun hanging out with Buzz, Chica and Dave!! What a way to start my 42nd year! Yay!

I was supposed to go see the dentist yesterday, but that didn’t happen..considering I lounged in my pj’s all day. ha! I have to head over there soon so the dentist can look at my jaw pain. It is getting better, but I want to know what is causing the pain. I will be around working all day…I have so much to do after taking 2 days off. Plus turkey day is this Thursday…I can’t wait! I am so excited!!

I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday!!!
