~Hello December~


Hey hey everyone!! Good morning!! I can’t believe it’s the last month of 2016. Yikes! I got my tree up and I am in the holiday spirit. I am just getting Christmas Eve together so now I can move on to Christmas Day. I LOVE this time of the year. I ventured out yesterday and did some shopping…the mall was not too busy, but I went early. I hate crowds…the rest I will do online. 🙂 Our weather has been perfect for the holiday season…60’s during the day and 40’s at night. I see some 70’s are even coming. I am just happy to finally wear some cute winter clothes. It’s a girl thing…I know. 😉 Not much new going on with me…just working and playing like always. Life is good!! I want to try and plan a few trips, but it seems like it is not happening for one reason or another. I WILL be going to Vegas in January for the show..that’s always a fun time. I am thinking I need a nature fix…I would take that any day over Vegas. Not quite the party girl…am I? I honestly never really was.

I hope you are all enjoying your holiday season so far!! Nothing is more important than family and friends. 🙂 Have a wonderful Thursday! I will write more soon. I haven’t been taking many pictures lately…I will try and take more to share! 🙂



Notice my cat under the tree. He has behaved so far, but has knocked a few ornaments off the tree.


Stocking up for the holidays. 🙂 Can NEVER have too much wine!


Perfect weather for walking my dogs. 🙂

Yay winter has finally arrived in Arizona!! :) :) :) :)

Good morning!! I am sitting in my office watching the sunrise as I type this. It’s so pretty!! I love mornings…I love starting a new day. Be sure to take time and appreciate the little things!! 🙂 It is finally winter in the desert… Woohoo! We got a lot of snow in the mountains. Looks like I will be planning a trip to play soon. Buzz and I fired up the heater and fire-pit the last few evenings. Nothing like sitting around a fire and sipping some wine. My dog Mia snuggles up next to me in my chair and we cuddle up in a blanket. 🙂 She is a little sad her furry friends left Tuesday evening. 🙁 She seemed a little depressed yesterday. Buzz and I took her for a long walk yesterday and gave her a bone…she seems better today. We had a lot of fun with the dogs, but I’m sure they are happy to be home again!! Three weeks is a long time!! I think the longest I have been away from my dogs was 10 days…ugh! I hated that…the worst part of traveling for me is missing my babies.

I wanted to put my tree up yesterday, but didn’t get the chance. I will try for today. I am hosting Christmas this year…can’t wait!! 🙂

Breakfast is ready now so I must go… I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband that cooks me breakfast every morning. 😉 Awwwww he is the best! Wishing you all a happy hump day and great week ahead!!!






Another Thanksgiving… ;)

Good morning!! The doggies woke me today at 5 am..thanks a lot guys! 🙂 Buzz usually gets up before me, but he is not feeling too good. 🙁 Soooo I am up and at it early. I might try and put up my tree today…I am in the holiday spirit!! 🙂 🙂 I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! I did!! It was a beautiful day to spend outside…my parents hosted this year. We enjoyed a delicious traditional Thanksgiving meal and some great wine!! 🙂 A perfect turkey day spent with family and friends. Now it’s time to move on to Christmas. I need to do some shopping, but like every year I will do MOST of it online. I do need to go to the mall one of these days… I will wait until the last minute. It’s more fun that way. ha!

So I found out who bought me the new shoes…thank you Stephen!! I love them, I wore them on my birthday. They are not only sexy, but comfortable too. Can’t ask for more than that. Steve Madden is my brand, they always fit perfect! Thanks again Stephen…and he also bought me some sexy panties. I will take some pics soon. I want to thank HeyNow for the awesome lucky bamboo. I like anything that has lucky attached to it. hehe! Thanks so much!! Another birthday, another Thanksgiving…where does the time go??

Our weather has started cooling down. A cold front is moving through so YAY it’s finally time to get out the boots, jeans and sweaters. Love it! I might have to plan a trip to Northern AZ soon to go play in the snow!!! 🙂

So my dog sitting is coming to an end. They are arriving from Thailand tonight and picking up their fur babies tomorrow. I will miss them, it’s been really fun having them…but of course a lot more work. I LOVE dogs!!!! Some day I will have lots of land with lots of animals. Dogs, cats, goats for sure….and many more I am sure of that. 🙂 My cat stays away from the dogs…he is so chill. He is the BEST! Buzz and I found him as a stray 3 years ago on Nov 18th and he has been a part of our family ever since. 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. Speaking of dogs and cats…it’s their breakfast time. Talk more soon!! Happy holidays everyone!!! Muahhh















Another Birthday…

Good morning!! 🙂 It’s a busy morning, but I wanted to stop by and say HELLO!! I have been getting emails saying that I don’t post to my blog enough anymore. 🙁 I am sorry….life is just very busy for me right now. I LOVE November for many reasons, but I won’t be disappointed to see December. Things should slow down for me…whew!! I am still dog sitting and the dogs are such little angels, so well behaved…BUT it’s still a lot more work.

I had a great birthday with Buzz. It was a rainy, chilly day so spending it in nature was out of the question. Instead I just wanted to have some delicious lunch and a few martinis…which I did. 😉 I found a new one I like, it’s cucumber and basil. Trying to keep things healthy over here. HAHA! I am..but yesterday I blew it. I even had a big slice of carrot cake. (once again trying to keep it healthy) hehe, I am funny today. Speaking of eating…I am excited for Thanksgiving!!!! I will be of course fighting the crazy crowds tomorrow at the grocery store, nothing like waiting until the last minute. The snowbirds are back in town and everything is so much busier now. Oh..and the traffic. Blah! Yesterday on my way out the freeway was closed due to an accident. Buzz and I got lucky enough to get off the freeway and take side streets before it got too crowded. I later found out a 26 year old was killed …there were a total of 3 accidents in a row and over 20 cars involved. I kept thinking to myself …I am out celebrating my birthday and these poor people lives are a mess …some destroyed. Ugh! Make sure to enjoy every day because you never know when it’s your last.

I hope you all have a wonderful turkey day with family and friends!!! I am so thankful for so many things..including you all!! 🙂 🙂

Here are a few pics from yesterday. I have been so bad at taking pics lately. I will try and take more.



