~Well Hello~

Good morning!! Happy Hump Day!! Sorry I haven’t been writing as much lately… I have been busy with life. Just kind of been sticking to my normal routine and hanging at home. Tony is not doing very good so we have to say good-bye soon. I will call the vet today and schedule his appointment. Ugh, that sucks! Breaks my heart…but it’s time for him to go to rainbow bridge with my other 3 doggies. I had my family over this past weekend so they could say good-bye to him. It was difficult to say the least. 🙁 Tony lived a lot longer than the vets thought…like 30 months! I am happy to have had that extra time with him. He no longer enjoys anything in life, he won’t let us touch him and he is not eating much anymore. At this point his back legs barely work. We can see it is his eyes, we think he is trying to tell us something and we can’t be selfish. He has brought so much joy into our lives and lived a wonder 14 years. He will always be in our hearts and we will never stop loving him. I have NO plans to get any other dogs or cats. We will still have 2 dogs and 1 cat. It was National Dog Day last week so I went to buy them some extra goodies. Seriously the cookies smelled good enough for me to eat. LOL! I love my fur-babies soooooo much…they are such a huge part of my life. 🙂 We actually been walking Mia in the early AM as the sun comes up. It is such a great way to start the day… so pretty and peaceful. Neo is 10 years old and he can’t walk too far anymore, but boy he can jump still.

I am off now, I have a busy day of running errands and appointments. Have a fab Wednesday and the rest of your week. I will write more soon!!






Fun in San Diego :)

Good morning!! Waking up to a rainy day…very nice. I like! I just got back from San Diego and what a great vacation!!! We spent 2 days at the dog beach and 2 days downtown. I have to say I am in love with that city. It is so beautiful and so dog friendly. Plus everyone is so nice and chill!!! My kind of place! Mia had so much fun….she loved all the dogs and people she met. We made a lot of great memories on this trip. I am posting some pics to share. 🙂 I don’t have much time to write today. I am catching up on work and life…but will write more soon!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far…the weekend is right around the corner. 🙂


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Hello August!!

Good morning!! Geesh I have been a busy bee lately. I am looking forward to my trip to San Diego to relax!! We have been having so many storms here lately, one after another. Lots of rain and flooding..luckily not in my area. It has kept the temps down which I like. 🙂 One of my dogs (Tony) turned 14th on the 8th. Crazy and to think the vets gave him a few months to live 29 months ago. Ha, he showed them!!! He is for sure slowing down every day…one day at a time. Right? He is such a great dog…but kind of grouchy now! I might be grouchy if I was 98 too. hehe! 🙂 We have given him a wonderful life that I wish every dog could have. I have been hanging out our studio a little more these past few weeks. I even took Mia down last week…she loves to socialize. 🙂 I met up with Trinity St Clair for some dinner and drinks…she is really sweet and so pretty!!! I always love to meet the sexy models Buzz shoots. 😉 Not much else happening in my world…just staying happy and healthy!! Living life to the fullest every day!!! Have a fabulous Thursday!! Oh and be sure to follow me on twitter.  twitter.com/rachelaziani

I post a lot more pics there….and that is the ONLY social media I do. I don’t know how people have time for Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram…etc That would be a full time job just doing social media. No thanks!






An Awesome Trip To Cancun! :)))))

Good morning!! Geesh it’s amazing how much I am getting done today. Feels like a Monday and I am chopping off my to-do list. I was up at 4:30 because we just got back from Mexico yesterday so my clock is a little off. Buzz and I had a wonderful vacation. I looked at the weather before we left and it had thunderstorms EVERYDAY, however we didn’t get a drop of rain. Ha, I think we brought the AZ sun with us. 🙂 It was beautiful..hot and humid of course. We spent most of the time in the ocean…it’s like bath water..but still refreshing. We didn’t leave the resort the entire time. It was all about R & R!!! We ate a lot of delicious food and had all sorts of fun cocktails. The bartenders created some great drinks. It was the best quality time with my baby and was very romantic. 😉 Everyone needs a vacation once in awhile. My brother and his family have been in Australia for 2 weeks and they go non-stop. Not my type of vacation..but hey to each their own. Here are some pics I took …I didn’t take many because I didn’t feel like carrying my phone with me. It was really nice to escape the computer, TV and phone! It’s nice to leave reality sometimes. 🙂

I enjoyed laying out at the nude beach…let’s just say I got a nice tan in all the right spots. lol! 😉 I even did a little flashing…I guess it’s like riding a bike. hehe! 😉 Here are a few of the pics I took. I will post the site updates tomorrow! I am off to get groceries now so I will chat more soon. I hope everyone is having a fab week so far!!











