Month: May 2009

“Silly pups!”

Hey Hey! Happy Saturday everyone!! I am really trying hard to get some work done today, but I have two dogs that will not leave me alone. I think they want me to take the day off to play with them..maybe snuggle on the couch? I don’t know..they are acting weird. I mean look at them! I can’t help but laugh ..they are under my desk ..jumping on my lap. Talk about distracting! Hmm, maybe they are trying to tell me something. Crazy dogs…..

I don’t have anything planned today..I think I will work all day today and tomorrow. I want to take Monday off and also Wednesday…so work this weekend so I can take off during the week. Sounds like a plan to me. It is cloudy and only in the 70’s today..nice! I love having my windows open.

I hope you all have a great weekend!! I am going to go play fetch with my dogs now..throw the ball around the backyard …maybe they will take a nap after that. πŸ™‚ Good plan!

***Happy Friday***

Good morning~~ I hope you all have a great Friday! Hopefully you have some fun things planned for the holiday weekend. πŸ™‚

I went to dinner last night at Flemings Steak House. YUM! That place is so delicious! It was a nice night out.

Back to work for me today…I wish I could say I have something fun planned, but I don’t. Another rainy day in the desert, it is great the 60’s right now. Ahhh~ I like that!

Enjoy your day!!

~~The Awesome Aria Giovanni~~

Good morning!!! I was up early again today..slept like a baby. Feeling great! I just whipped up some food for my dogs, nothing like smelling pasta sauce at 8:00 am. AND it smells yummy, love when my house smells like an Italian restaurant. It seems wrong to eat cereal now. lol! OMG dog was SO OUT OF IT yesterday when I picked him up at the vet. He had his teeth cleaned and he was still very stoned from the anesthesia. He is happy to be home!

I just have to say what an amazing person Aria Giovanni is. Besides the obvious ..that she is totally beautiful, she is so down to earth and very sweet!!! She loves to have fun!! I can see why she is so popular with you boys. πŸ™‚ She recently shot for Aziani and also AzianiXposed!! All you Aria fans will love to see her try and do a beer bong. haha, it is hilarious! I never could do one of those things either. Guess I need to practice at opening my throat. Hmm, I think that could fun practicing. πŸ™‚ Naughty girl!!

I am heading to the gym this afternoon..that is my excitement for the day. A typical work day for me. Another cloudy rainy day..I love it!
Have a wonderful Thursday!

~A rainy and busy morning~

Good morning! Wow..I left my house this morning at 7:00 and just got home, it is 10:30 already. I had to drop off one of my dogs at the vet, he is having his teeth cleaned today. Poor guy! I know he will be happy to see me this afternoon. πŸ™‚ Here is a pic of him relaxing in the backseat, he was happy to go for a ride until he realized where he was going. Uh Oh! He should have some nice white chompers after today. He is so big and intimating, but he really is a sweet 100 pound lap dog….a total baby. He doesn’t like men very much, but LOVES girls. He loves all my girlfriends that he dog, huh? πŸ™‚
I went out to breakfast this morning. Yum! It is so nice outside. It is cloudy and cool …in the 80’s which isΒ  awesome compared to our 100 plus temps lately. I love this restaurant, they are only open for breakfast and lunch..and you can even bring your dog if you sit on the patio. They give out doggie treats..I enjoy pet friendly places…OH plus the food is good too. That kind of matters a bit. lolΒ  I had an spicy southwestern omelet and fruit. All the meals come with bagels, which I LOVE, but I don’t eat. (bad carbs) πŸ™ So..I fed mine to the birds.
After breakfast I ran a few errands..and now I am home for the day. As I was driving home in my clean car it started raining on me about 10 minutes from my house. Figures..right? It is now sprinkling outside and only 82 degrees. A nice change!! I love to have my blinds open and watch the rain…it is so peaceful.
I hope you are enjoying your Hump Day!!!!
