Month: May 2009

Look what I found in my garage yesterday……yuk!

Hey Hey everyone…a big fat Happy Tuesday to you all! I hope you all have a wonderful day. Look at the scorpion I found in my garage yesterday…gross!! You know I like all living creatures…I guess I should say “most” living creatures. I don’t like the ones that can hurt me or my doggies. Any ways…it has been dead for quite awhile. I was cleaning out the garage and almost stepped on it. This is the desert and they are to be expected. I have never found one inside my house which is a great thing… I do worry about my dogs getting stung. I was stung several years ago on my foot and OUCH!!!! It was pretty unbelieveable how bad it hurt..and it hurt for many hours. My entire leg ended up going numb. I was out in the desert riding quads, I must have pissed him off. lol! Crazy little bastards.

Nothing too exciting happening in my world today. Another fun day of work!! 🙂 And I am one of the lucky ones that can really say I LOVE MY JOB!!!! I hope you enjoy your day~~

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!!!!

Oh Monday has arrived… ~~blah~~ Hopefully everyone had a great weekend!!! Mine was complaints. I had a nice Sunday hanging out in the pool. I can now say I am not so pale anymore. Yeah! I did sit out in the sun for a bit but I made sure to spray sunscreen on every 15-30 minutes. It worked ..I even got a little tan through the sunscreen. I sat under the umbrella after that, didn’t want to risk too much sun. The water was warm, but refreshing at the same time. I feel like doing that again today…but I can’t. 🙁 Back to work for me! Playtime is over..Bummer!

I will be around today if you want to say HI!!!!! Send me a private message, email or ICQ. Have a fantastic Monday!!


New Video Update!!!

I hope you are having a great weekend so far!! I am!! It is really smokin hot here today…103 expected for the high. Whew…only one thing to do on a Sunday when it is that hot!! SWIM!!!!! Yes I am spending the day in the pool. I am going to relax in the sun, well maybe under the umbrella!! I am pretty pale right now that any sun will fry me. I need to go slow…lots and lots of sunscreen!! A hat too probably. In the past I WAS always a Sun Queen and we know that is BAD! I do love to worship the sun, but can’t anymore. That is what spray tan is for. 🙂 I run my pool cam 24/7…so stop by!!!

The cookout was so delicious yesterday, it was a great time!! We cheered with some champagne, ate lots of delicious food and relaxed with coffee and dessert at the end of the night. The cheesecake was a hit! Yum~ The drive home kind of sucked because one of the freeways was closed due to construction. Ugh..that is never fun. I cranked up the tunes and sang to Buzz. lol! He always loves my singing. hehe! Poor guy! 😉

I added my new naughty masturbation video this morning, check it out when you can! WOW..that was some “O”…..I think my legs are still shaking. haha~

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday so far!!!! Have an awesome day!


Happy Weekend! Some fun pics from yesterday….. :)

Woohoo..Saturday….the weekend is here! My weekend kind of started early, which is nice to be able to play a bit more. 🙂 We all need a break from work, right? I had fun yesterday…Mary’s shoot went great! After that I kind of had a mini party. Here are a few silly pics! 🙂 Today I am working, then off to have a cookout with my family. Since my mom was out of town for Mothers Day..we are celebrating today. The only thing I am supposed to bring is the cheesecake. YUM! I bought a key lime cheesecake at CostCo…they have delicious desserts!! Should be a nice family evening. 🙂 That is pretty much my day in a nutshell. ~Work and BBQ~

I hope you all have a great Saturday! ENJOY!