Month: May 2009

The desert is blooming…and I can’t stop sneezing

Good morning, a big happy Thursday to you all!!!!!! My days are so messed up. Feels like a Monday since I took the last two days off.  I needed to re-coop yesterday. 🙂 Today I am feeling energized and ready for a busy work day. I need to detox my body ..OMG, I ate way terrible and drank too much. My body was not happy with me yesterday. lol! That’s ok…back to the health kick and exercise today. I already had my oatmeal this morning..packed with flax seeds, strawberries, blueberries and bananas. Yum! I don’t add any sugar so at least this way I can get natural sugar. 🙂

My allergies started to act up the other day, I think it was because I spent the entire day outside at my party. I started to set up at noon and didn’t really go inside until late that night…or should I say early the next morning? (ha) Everything is blooming and really looks so pretty. Some added color to the brown desert is always nice. I took a few photos from my front yard. I love to look at all the pretty colors, just not sniff them. I feel ok, but I can not stop sneezing. I spent all day yesterday inside and that seemed to help. Another day indoors will do the trick. 🙂 It is 100 degrees today…summer is here!

I hope you all have a great day..and be sure to take some time and “smell the roses.” haha!!!

*Fun Times*

Now that was a fun Cinco De Mayo!! Lots of food, drinks and laughs!! Fun stuff!! I am tired today …no surprise. ha! I am just relaxing around my house today for obvious reasons. LOL! Enjoying some time on the couch! 🙂 I hope you are all having a greaat day!!


~Happy Cinco De Mayo~

Cheers! I hope you have a great day and will get out and enjoy a little celebration of Cinco De Mayo. I am 100 percent ready for my party..woohoo! I just need to pick up all the yummy food I ordered. My all time favorite is Mexican food! Delicious! I snapped a few photos when I was setting up yesterday. Ha, lots of cocktails and of course water & soda as well. Some of my friends can party like Rock Stars and some don’t drink at all. So I must accommodate both. 🙂 I hope you all enjoy your Tuesday!! I am off now..I have lots to do.



Hey Hey ..Happy Monday! It doesn’t feel like a Monday at all. I don’t know why? Maybe because Cinco De Mayo is tomorrow so it seems like a Friday…and that is always a good thing. 🙂 I love the weekends! They go too fast, don’t they? I hope you enjoyed on to a good week ahead.

I just added my new video..woohoo~~~ Check it out! 🙂

I am leaving shortly, I have an appointment soon. I pretty much left the next two days open. I need to get ready for my party tomorrow. Can’t wait..should be fun. I will be sure to take some pics to share, K?

Have a great Monday everyone..ENJOY!
