Month: August 2009

~New Aziani Babe~

Good morning!! Wow, this week is flying by! Another wonderful work day for me…~wink~ I am one of the lucky ones that actually likes my job so I don’t mind being a workaholic. 🙂 Just heading out for some groceries later today and of course hit the gym. I have a yummy grilled chicken dinner planned for tonight.

A new gorgeous model was added to Aziani…Cindy Hope! She is super hot!! Be sure to check her out, lots more of Cindy coming too!

Have a terrific Thursday everyone!! 🙂


Fun Time At The Lake!!!

Good morning! Happy Hump Day everyone!! 🙂 I have another busy day today, but at least I played some yesterday. Went to the lake with my beautiful friend Chica!! We had lots of fun…as always!!

I will be around most of the day working… be sure to say HI!!! I have my office cam running so come see ME!!!

Have a great day everyone, enjoy~

Way to go Lin!

Good morning!!! Geesh, my Monday was nuts!! Let’s say…I am glad it is over! 🙂 Ready for a little fun today. I am working most of the day, but tonight I am heading out to take some sunset photos on the lake and probably do a naughty video too! 🙂 I am looking forward to it!!

Lin, the Aziani rider had a great trip to CA this past month. He is now in 2nd place! Woohoo!! We just met with him yesterday and he is heading to Indianapolis for the finals this weekend. If you live there, go cheer him on!! Good luck!!

I hope you all have a great day!! ENJOY your Tuesday!

~Puppy Love~

Happy Monday everyone!!! Woohoo, my favorite day of the week has arrived. NOT!! haha! I have a huge busy day ahead of me. 🙁 blah… I have a lot of errands to run, an afternoon appointment and off to the airport to pick up a friend. A very full Monday!!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. 🙂 Mine was nice! The cookout was delicious! Another b-day celebration over until the next one. I took one of my dogs with me. Shhhh don’t tell, but he is my dads favorite. I of course love them all the same. 🙂 It was a nice surprise, he had fun once he realized that he was not going to the vet. lol He chilled on the couch with me after a big ole meal. He is such a mommas boy. 🙂

Have an awesome Monday!!! ENJOY!
