Month: August 2009

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Good morning!! I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far!!! 🙂 I am working most of the day today, but later this afternoon I am off to have a cookout with my family. My dads b-day is tomorrow so we are celebrating today. Should be fun! 🙂

I am soooo sore from yesterdays workout. OMG, I can barely walk. I had the most killer leg workout EVER in history!! OUCH!!!! I know I need to walk or do some type of cardio today ..that will help with the pain. Good pain! 🙂

Here is a photo from the other night, when I met my long time friend for Mexican food. 🙂 That was fun!!

Have a great Sunday everyone! ENJOY!

~Wet & Horny~

Good morning, happy Saturday everyone!!! I just added my new sexy shower photos!! Be sure to check them out! 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! I am here working today, might take some time and play at the pool later this afternoon. It is cloudy and a bit cooler today, which is nice!! A small storm blew through last night, lots of cool lightning and some thunder…a few drops, but not much rain. It was nice to sit outside and watch it get closer, once it got arrived above my head…of course I went inside. I only like watching it from a distance 🙂 ~duh~

Have an awesome Saturday everyone!

***Happy Friday Everyone***

Good morning! Wow, I slept good last night! It is always nice to come home to your own bed. 🙂 Might have been the margaritas too 😉 Dinner was super yummy last night, we had a great time!! It was so nice to meet my friend face to face! We might hook up one more time while he is here. He is from Pittsburgh and a big Steeler fan …there is a Steeler bar not too far from my house that he wants to check out. That place was rocking big time last Super Bowl.

Here are a few photos from Vegas!! 🙂

I have a busy day today trying to catch up on work, off to the gym too! I need to bust my ass this weekend and next week…I have some killer workouts planned. ~ugh~


Eric …my wonderful makeup artist!! XOXO

Video time!!

Picture time!

The Wynn …view out my window

Back home!

Hey everyone! I am back from Vegas, that was a fun trip! OMG…I love that place. 🙂 I shot lots of sexy and naughty stuff for you all. I met up with friends yesterday for lunch, haven’t seen them in a few years, that was cool. I didn’t do any gambling, but  I went shopping, ate some delicious food and defiantly drank way too much! I am tired, but no rest time for me. I am meeting an old friend for dinner tonight. This special guy has been a member of my site since 1999!! We have become really great friends over the years, but never met in person. NOT until tonight 🙂 He is visiting Arizona with friends and we finally get to say HI face to face. Can’t wait! We are meeting for Mexican food!! Yum! I need to work out super hard over the weekend, yikes..way too much good “bad” food. I hope you have had a nice few days!! I will post some Vegas pics tomorrow. 🙂
