Month: August 2009

A Sexy Sling Suit!

Good morning all~ I hope you are enjoying your day so far!! I am working away! I got a nice surprise in my mail yesterday…a sexy swimsuit. A big thank you!! (not sure if he wants me to mention his name) I can’t wait to shoot in it. Wow..not much to it, but I like!! It matches my toe nail polish perfect. Sexxxxy~~~

I have a busy work day ahead of me..nothing too crazy or exciting. Am going to hit the gym this afternoon and will whip up a yummy healthy meal for dinner. I want to try a new recipe so I might have to run over to the grocery store. Most recipes always call for things I don’t buy.

Have an awesome Tuesday everyone! 🙂



What a way to wake up…some hot- sweaty- steamy- “”fuck me hard”” sex! Yum Yum! I am not usually a “first thing in the morning” sex girl …but having sex when dirty can be very fun! 😉 I feel fantastic and ready for a good Monday! Sorry I didn’t get around to saying HI yesterday. I went out with my parents on Saturday night for dinner, then they came to my house and had a few drinks..they ended up staying the night. No drinking and driving!! Sunday morning we went out to breakfast and I spent the day out and about. It was a nice family weekend. I hope you all enjoyed yours!

Today…back to work!! I need to start every Monday like this..hell, maybe every day. LOL!

ENJOY your Monday!

New Secretary Photo Set!!

Happy Saturday morning!! Are you enjoying your day so far? I slept in late today because I couldn’t sleep last night. I woke up at 3:00 wide awake. I flipped on the TV and Casino was on …a little violent to watch in the middle of the night…but it is a good movie. I crashed out again about 4:30.

I need to do my typical Saturday chores today…clean and do my laundry. Sounds fun,huh? ha! I am going out for dinner with my parents tonight. A family friend owns a Mexican restaurant so we are going to go visit him ..should be super yummy! 🙂

I added my new sexy secretary photo set…be sure to check it out! 😉

Have a wonderful weekend!!