Month: September 2009

Have a Fun Friday!!

Good morning!! 🙂 I don’t have a lot of time to chit-chat this morning. I have a hair appointment…I need a cut and color bad! yikes~ After that I think I will take the rest of the day off. Maybe relax by the pool. 🙂 The weather is getting a little cooler..only in the 70’s right now. Nice! Probably only one more month of pool time so I better enjoy it while I still can.

Have an awesome weekend!! Enjoy!

Enjoy your Thursday everyone!!! :)

Good morning!!! I hope you are enjoying your day so far! I am sipping my coffee and just planning a big work day ahead. Nothing on my schedule today and I like that! 🙂 Buzz got home yesterday so we went out last night…tried a new Mexican restaurant close to my house. A taco and margarita later, I was full! I made sure to not overeat so I could have some sexy time! hehe! “TFTF” is never a good thing. (too full to fuck) LOL! I woke up at 4:30 in the morning next to a hard cock…wanting even more love. 🙂  I would never turn that down. So needless to say, I am very happy girl this morning. And sorry I didn’t get any pics of that. HOWEVER I do have some very naughty shoots with Buzz coming up real soon…I think you will like! 😉

Look at these tomatoes! OMG, I am a huge tomato lover! I love them raw, cooked…I love anything to do with tomatoes…soup, juice…etc… Put a little sea salt on them ..and yummy! I know it doesn’t take much to excite me, BUT Arizona does not have good ones. Growing up in the Midwest and having my own garden was so nice. I do miss that. Buzz surprised me with a big box full. 🙂  I might have to whip up a BLT for dinner. 🙂

Ok..enough food talk for now. hehe! I hope you all have a fun and fantastic day! ENJOY~~~~~

~Adopt a pet~

Good morning everyone! Happy Hump Day! 🙂 I hope your week is going great so far!!

I love hearing happy animal stories!! “Rocky” just shared his awesome story with me and I wanted to share it with you! 🙂 “Rocky” was driving and saw a Beagle in the middle of traffic, dodging cars. He stopped to pick him up. Good job!! 🙂 The dog had no tags. 🙁 He had to go out of town and could not keep the dog so he went to the animal shelter hoping someone would call about him. Nobody did! Once he went up for adoption Rocky was the first in line to take him home!! 🙂 He already has another adopted dog from a shelter…and the dogs love each other and “Buddy” now has a happy home!! Yippeee, way to go Rocky!! He sent me a few pics. It is so important to care for our furry friends. Adopt a pet …and save a life! The happiness and joy a pet can bring is overwhelming.

Buzz comes home today…woohoo… we have a date tonight. Uh oh…sounds like some naughty fun! M’m M’M!! Don’t worry..I will take pics. (hehe) Have an awesome day everyone!

I think he likes his new home! 🙂

His new friend 🙂

The return of Lisa Daniels!

Happy Tuesday…good morning everyone! I hope your day is going great so far. I woke up early today..5:30 and I was wide awake. No way am I getting out of bed that early so I stayed in bed until 6:30. I slept good again last night. 🙂 I am off this afternoon to an appointment..and I think I might do dinner with my parents tonight. Not really sure yet..too early to think of food.

Lisa Daniels recently shot for Aziani again! This was her second shoot for obvious reasons. I like Lisa a lot, she is not only gorgeous, but really super nice! And that makes her even more beautiful! She has the entire package!! 😉 Be sure to check out her photos and vids here…

I need to get some work done I wish you all a happy day!