Month: September 2009


I don’t have much time to chat today, but I wanted to make sure I stopped by and wished you all a fabulous day!! And of course a fun holiday weekend!!! 🙂

Here is a pic from my workout yesterday..LOL, I know I look funny. I took it with my phone so the quality kind of sucks, but i thought I would share any way! 😉

ENJOY your Friday!

New Aziani Babe!

Happy Thursday everyone!! I didn’t sleep very good last night. Ugh! I hate that! I woke up at 2:30 and could not fall back to sleep. Needless to say I am a little tired today. I am sure I will snap out of it. Some coffee and breakfast should help! 🙂

I have a busy work day today..nothing too crazy going on. Just loving my job! 😉 Of course I will be hitting the gym again today.

Welcome the sexy Alyssa Reece to Aziani! Isn’t she pretty? WOW! I think she looks like Catherine Zeta Jones..can you see it? And I love her!! She is beautiful and classy! You can check her photos out here… AND more coming too!

ENJOY your day!

*Feeling Much Better*

Happy Hump Day!! I am all back to my “normal” self today. 🙂 Whew, I felt pretty yuk yesterday. Was slow moving..all that poison in my body is bad. AND no sleep doesn’t help. It was fun and I feel good again!! I did work a lot yesterday, but took off and went out for a late breakfast/early lunch. Took one of my dogs and he very much enjoyed his time away from the other dogs. I try to take them places individually sometimes, they love their pack, but also love the one on one attention. 🙂 He had fun eating my scraps. lol  🙂 So did the birds! OMG..they were just waiting for me to throw them some food. It was cute. You know me..I did!

A typical work day for me today. Need to run a few errands after the gym…the bank, the post office and I need some office supplies. Not a bad day at all! I hope you have a great day! Here are a few pics from yesterdays breakfast adventure. 🙂


Woohoo, I get to go bye-bye…and not to the vet 🙂

Big head would not get out of the pic. lol

Cute little birdies… hungry little birdies!

~I think I am still drunk~ lol

Hey Hey! Good morning! Ok, I am not really still drunk, but TIRED. OMG..didn’t get to bed until 3:00 and someone was ringing my doorbell at 8:00. WTF?

Last night was a lot of fun! Yummy drinks, food and lots of laughs!! A storm finally blew through. It was awesome! Lots of thunder and lightning …and finally some rain!! It cooled the temp off nice. It was perfect to sit outside and enjoy the weather for a change. Mariah and Savanna left this morning, their shoots went great!! Coming soon! 🙂

I will be around working today..BUT I might need to take a nap. Whew..I am pooped!

Hope you all have a great day!