Month: September 2009

Have a great Monday everyone!!!!!

Good morning! I am full of piss and vinegar this morning…LOL Which means “rowdy, boisterous, full of youthful energy.” YEP that is me today. I was a total couch potato yesterday, I watched the football game (Cardinals) ..that sucked! They didn’t look good at all…way to many penalties. Ouch! Last night I watched my three favorite HBO shows..they are now over for the season. They were good..especially True Blood. I will miss that show..however, I know some new shows will be starting up. HBO is really the only TV I watch..besides movies. I don’t watch much TV…it feels like such a waste of time. Sometimes I watch political shows, but that is only when Buzz watches them. ha! He loves his politics! 🙂 Follow him on twitter ..OMG, he is silly!

Speaking of Buzz, he is shooting two HOT HOT HOT babes for Aziani today. Sandee Westgate and Jesse Capelli…they are both so beautiful!! Lucky him! He has such a hard job..LOL!

I have so much energy today that I won’t be able to stay home today. I am a homebody sometimes, but after staying home all day yesterday..I need to escape the house. I always have more errands to run..they never end. So I think I will head out this afternoon ….call a few of my girlfriends to maybe have some dinner out tonight. 🙂

I hate working on Mondays. Blah!

Whatever you do today…be sure to make it a great Monday! You are the only one that can! 🙂


A friend sent this to me. I like it..and the dog is so cute! 🙂

Have a great Sunday everyone!!!

Good morning! I was up early today even though I went to bed late, I slept great!!!! I was on my computer chatting last night… listening to music and lost track of time. I was a twitter queen too. LOL! I usually don’t tweet that much. was fun! I ran my errands yesterday and hit the mall…I didn’t go to the mall that has Macy’s so I missed the sale. Oh well! I did buy some shoes and some sexy lingerie. See pic 🙂 My shoes almost match my bathroom counter. ha, how weird. I can’t wait to wear those shoes, they are super hot!! They make my legs look awesome, my calf muscles pop. Been working out my legs and it is finally showing. My legs have always been so tiny that I am trying to bulk them up a bit. I am tired of having chicken legs. lol!

I was invited to go watch the Cardinal game today, but I passed. I honestly feel like staying home. I will be ok with watching it on TV. Go Cards!! 🙂 I can’t wait to watch the season finale of True Blood tonight…of course Hung and Entourage too. Guess I will be watching a lot of TV today. 🙂 Should be a nice relaxing Sunday! ENJOY your day!

New Video Update!!! The return of the rocker!!!

Happy Saturday….woohoo, my favorite day of the week is here. I am up early today, I don’t know why? I didn’t fall asleep until after 3:00. I hit my second wind and all of a sudden had major energy. That never happens to me. I turned on the TV and watched some bad porn, ya know the fake stuff. Where they act like they are having sex..but aren’t. I just can’t get into that, it looks real…but I know it’s not. Plus I just want to see some cock! Oh well..I sat there watching it for over an hour. LOL! Must not have been too bad after all. hehe!

Two storms came and went yesterday. It was weird…a little rain from both and once again a ton of thunder and lightning. I want rain!! I suppose living in the desert has something to do with that. Ha!

I have started my chores already this morning, dishes..and laundry are going. I really just need to vacuum, mop and dust. My house is pretty clean, but I always think..never clean enough. With dogs you have to be extra extra clean ..ya know? And I am one of those neat freaks, not always a good thing. Can be OCD with that.

My new video went up this morning! M’m M’m….I enjoyed this ride! Check it out here!!!!! 😉

After I am done cleaning I am off to run some errands…bank, post office, the vet, Whole Foods and Hi Health…but I have to leave early because some of those places are only open in the morning. I just saw on TV that Macy’s is having a ONE DAY sale. Uh oh! I just might have to run over to the mall. I love Macy’s! I guess I will see where my car takes me. hehe! By the way, the facial yesterday was GREAT, but not as good as the other kind. lol! Gosh I am such a perv!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

A girly girl day!! :-)

Good morning …woohoo, Friday is here! I am off today to have an afternoon at the spa!! 🙂 A girlfriend of mine is an Esthetician and I am going to see her today for a facial. (No silly boys not a naughty facial) hehe! Even though I like those too! 😉 I am also going to get a pedicure..ahhh, I am getting relaxed just thinking about it. Next time I would like to try a body wrap, that sounds super awesome too! I love being a girl. 🙂 Us girls NEED to pamper ourselves once in awhile.

I made a killer pizza last night. I made it my cheat day for the week, now I must be healthy all weekend. Lots of protein shakes!! I was craving junk food bad! I wanted tacos and also pizza, so I combined them and whipped up a Mexican pizza. OMG, it was delicious! I put all the yummy goodies on top including lots of jalapenos. was hot, lit me up! Then a few glasses of red wine and I was a very hot girl. Probably a great winter meal. 🙂 Whew!

A little storm blew through last night as I was cooking. I really thought we were going to get blasted with a huge monster storm with all the dark clouds and loud thunder. We did get a downpour, but it didn’t last long. It was great, I love storms! I just wish it would have lasted longer. The cooler temps will be here soon and I am ready for that. 🙂

I hope you all have a FUN FABULOUS Friday!!!