Month: March 2010

New Sybian Video!!

Hey Hey..happy Saturday everyone! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! 🙂

I just added my new Sybian video…woohoo! I never get tired of that crazy machine. I love it! I hope you like the video!

I am off today to do my typical Saturday chores..and off to dinner with friends tonight. Fun times!

ENJOY your Saturday!

Yipppeeee…Friday has arrived!

I am soooo ready for the weekend. I have a few plans that I know will be fun!! 🙂 I feel very happy and energized this morning, I was a little slow moving yesterday… but it has passed. I ended up working more than I expected late last night, however I did find some time to go online shopping. hehe! I was watching American Idol and it was kind of boring so I thought..why not shop? A girl can always use more shoes..haha!! I can’t help it though..I LOVE shoes! I bought two new pair last night …the black ones are from My favorite online shoe site. It rocks! So many shoes to look at’s like a little piece of heaven every time I surf that site. lol  The gold pair is from Victoria Secret and I had two gift cards to use, so a big thank you to “John and HeyNow” … I know you both can appreciate sexy shoes! Thanks a lot guys!

Off to work now, I hope you all have a great Friday!!! TGIF!


Have A Great Day!!

Hey everyone, happy Thursday!! I slept in a bit today, I am having trouble opening my eyes this morning. I wish I could take the day off and play in the desert…but I can’t. Too much work to get done. It is supposed to warm up and hit 80 by next week, so maybe I will take a day off when it heats up. Sounds like a plan! 🙂 I don’t have much going on today…of course my typical work, gym and a few errands. The sun is shining is going to be a gorgeous day! AND the weekend is coming quickly! 🙂

Yesterday I took 2 of my dogs to the vet for their yearly check ups/shots…it is never a fun experience, especially for them. They both did great and we r all are happy that is over. 🙂 It was a sad experience for a couple that had to euthanize their dog. OMG! It made me very sad! Their dog was 14 and had cancer, so yesterday was her last day in this world. She was such a cute dog…she got my attention right away. I was tearing up ..I felt so bad for them. I know what it is like to have to make that decision and it just SUCKS! I couldn’t help but think of them all day yesterday and feeling sad for them. 🙁 All you animal lovers know what I am talking about. I always make sure to enjoy my doggies every day! They are very special and I luv them lots! Ok…enough of that. WHEW!

I hope you all have a great Thursday!! Be sure to enjoy everything in your life!


Sexy New Aziani Model Added!!

Good morning!! Woohoo, the sky is blue and the sun is out! Yayyy no more rain! 🙂 I had to break down and turn my heat on this morning, it is chilly in my house. I usually just use a little heater that sits by my desk, but even that was not keeping me warm. I think the temp is around 40 which is cold for us desert rats. hehe!

A new beautiful, sexy model was added to!! I wanted to share a photo from her set. She is so pretty!! Be sure to check her out. 😉

I have another busy work day ahead..I do have to run two of my dogs to the vet for their yearly checkup/shots…and will also go to the gym. Other than that..I will be here working if you want to say HI!

Have a great hump day!