Month: August 2011


Good morning!! 🙂  It feels like Friday for some reason, weird. I am all rested and energized from my shoot on Tuesday. I enjoyed some relaxation yesterday. I took a nice long nap on the couch, then I rented a movie and snuggled up with my doggies. I pulled all the curtains shut and loved my cool dark house. It was so miserably hot yesterday..I think I heard 116 ..Ouch!!!! Not that I am surprised..but I still don’t like it. This is the time of year I ask myself WHY WHY WHY do I live here? lol! Of course come October and I know that answer. 😉 It is going to reach 112 today and I can’t hide out in my house again today. lol! I have to venture out to the gym. I bought a new juicer the other day and I am loving it! I have tried oranges, apples, grapes, carrots, pineapples, strawberries and peaches so far. I took a trip to Costco and bought tons of I need to work on trying more veggies. It came with a recipe book so hopefully I can add some new healthy things into my diet. 🙂

Ok Ok..I must get to work now. Create a great Thursday everyone!! ENJOY!

Oranges, strawberries and carrots..pretty good combo!

Sexy Shoot!

Good afternoon!! I hope you are enjoying your hump day so far! 🙂 I had so much fun shooting yesterday!! I hope you will like the goodies coming your way. 😉 After my shoot I met up with Chica for dinner and cocktails. I had two drinks and a big juicy cheeseburger. I only ate part of it and was going to bring the rest home to my dogs, but I left it in the hotel refrigerator. It was super yummy too! I am pretty tired today, I didn’t go to sleep until 2:00 and woke up at 6:00. I can’t sleep in even if I try…so I will be taking a nap later. Today is my dad’s birthday so I will be having a bite of b-day cake tonight…just a small bite. 😉 I will need to work out extra hard tomorrow.

Off to work now..and maybe a nap soon.



Off To Shoot Some Sexy Stuff Today!!

Good morning!! I made it through my crazy Monday!! Now I can go have FUN today! I will be sure to take lots of sexy pics and vids for you!! 😉 I will tweet some too!

It is HOT HOT HOT here, it was 90 degrees at 7:00! Another record breaking day in the desert. I am glad I am shooting all indoors today. My makeup would melt, not so pretty! ha!

Create a great day! 🙂 🙂 🙂



My New Mobile Site Opens! Woohoo!!

Good morning..happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!! 🙂 I can’t even believe how much I have to do today. Ohhh is going to be a crazzzzzzy day ahead. I won’t babble too much today..lucky you!! 😉  I did want to let you know that my new mobile site is open!! Yay!! If you want to check it out go here…

I would love for my members to log in and check it out on your phone. 🙂 🙂 Thanks in advance!!

Off to continue with this silly Monday! Love you guys! Have a great day!