Month: August 2011

New Video ;)

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Eleanor Roosevelt

I just love that quote!! Happy Sunday..hope you are enjoying your weekend so far! 🙂 Mine is good! I had fun Friday night with friends. They got their guitars out and of course we all did some dancing and singing. I woke up yesterday morning and went out for a monster breakfast…eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes. Of course I didn’t eat it all, I just kind of wanted a little taste of everything. I took one of my dogs so needless to say he ate like a King too. hehe! Been trying to get my dogs out of the house one by one more..give them some special individual attention. I am sure I burned off all those calories yesterday cleaning my house. I worked my ass off…and now I can sit back and enjoy my spotless house. Ahh, I love that. 🙂 Today I am going to get some work done, go to the gym and run some errands. I have a really busy week to prepare for. I am shooting Tuesday…Yay! Can’t wait for that! I have two family birthdays this week too. My dad’s is on Wednesday and my sis in law is Thursday. And Friday I have a few appointments. And lots of other stuff in between. I can’t wait to go on vacation in Sept..I will need it! 🙂

My new video went live yesterday, I hope you will like it! Thank you to Stephen for the sexy thigh highs! He is sending me more..sooo that means more sexy vids coming your way!

Enjoy your Sunday!! Kisses,

Have A Great Weekend!!!

Happy Friday! Yay! I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead! 🙂 🙂 I will be working most of Saturday and Sunday, but I am sure I will find some time to have a little fun and relax too. A pretty big storm rolled through last night and some parts of the valley got hit hard! Luckily it was not my area. It looked like a tornado hit..lots of damage. Sad..poor people. You don’t expect that here in Phoenix. Nebraska YES, Arizona NO! Crazy weather! While it was storming I decided to bake some oatmeal raisin cookies…I couldn’t sit still. I found the best recipe!! They have no sugar in them..overall pretty healthy for a cookie. 🙂 I do get a sweet tooth once in awhile, not often..I am more of a “salt” girl. I need to bake more often, my house smelled soooo cozy and warm. M’m M’m!!

Create a great day!!!


Working Hard!

Hi everyone..I hope your Thursday is going good for you!! 🙂 The weekend is almost here!! Been working hard over here..getting lots done with some new changes coming. I did take a little break yesterday afternoon and went to the mall.. after that I enjoyed a few nice cold margaritas. Yum! I did find some awesome clothes!! Fall clothing is out now so summer clothes are on sale. And I love a good sale!! 🙂 It is 110 here so I have a problem buying sweaters right now. Yikes! There is a heat advisory today, it actually might be a record heat day. I will be staying inside except heading down to the gym.  Speaking of the gym..I have been working my ass off! Here are a few pics to share. I don’t wear makeup to the gym so needless to say I know I don’t look so hot. 😉 I am there for one reason and that is to get my body in the best shape possible. So don’t laugh too hard at my expressions. I know I look like a dork. hehe! 🙂 🙂

Back to work..enjoy your day!!


Yet Another Beauty!!

Happy Hump Day everyone!! We have another hottie to share with you, her name is Marie McCray..welcome this gorgeous girl to Aziani!! If you like redheads, she is the definitely the one for you! I love her smile..amongst other things. I always notice smiles first..but that’s just me. 🙂

I am getting my work done early so I can go workout and go to the mall this afternoon ..Yay! I tried doing some online shopping the other day and just couldn’t find what I was looking for. So plan B…hit the mall! 😉 That’s my day in a nutshell.

I hope you create yourself a great day too!
