Month: August 2011

A snake in my house? REALLY?? Come on!

Good morning!! 🙂 Happy Tuesday everyone, I hope your day will be great! Ok, I am kind of getting tired of these critters getting into my house. Wtf? I have my house sprayed every other month and it is sealed too. Sooo why am I getting scorpions and snakes? The scorpion thing is very common here in AZ, especially if you live close to the mountains..BUT a snake? Of course I screamed like a little girl again. Sound familiar..haha! Needless to say I was shocked and still am very confused how he got into my house. He/She was very small, a baby for sure! We (Buzz) caught it and we did release it back outside. I figured out it was a King snake, at least I think so. You can’t tell from the pics, it looks brown, but its really black and white. I did my research online because I thought it was a Rattle snake at first. It shook it’s tail, but there was no rattle on it. I guess some snakes do that. I called my pest company and they are coming out to spray again today. Geesh! I like animals, but come on! You probably don’t know that I had a pet snake once. Yep, a Boa Constrictor! I honestly loved that snake. I used to hold it all the time, it would wrap around the back of my neck to stay warm. You might think I am crazy, but this little guy/girl had quite the personality. I never thought so until I had one. My b/f at that time took the snake when we went our separate ways. So it’s not that I don’t like snakes, I just don’t want them in my bathroom. lol! I would have really freaked if it was a Rattle snake. omg! No more please! 🙂

Ok….enough of that! I have a busy work day ahead so I better get moving!! Talk more tomorrow!

~Scheduling & Organizing~

Hey Hey everyone..aren’t you just thrilled Monday has arrived? Ha! Kidding of course! I hope your weekend was all you wanted it to be. 🙂 Mine was nice..I can’t complain! I worked a lot, but did find time to have some fun and relax too. I did get my next two trips finalized. Yay! I am going to Vegas with my parents in Sept and then straight to Wyoming. It is like an 11 hour drive to Jackson Hole..and then off to Yellowstone after that. I can’t wait! It is going to be so beautiful and peaceful. I am planning lots of time outside..hiking and biking for sure. Well as long as the weather is nice. Could be a little chilly in Sept..but will feel like heaven compared to Arizona. 🙂 A few more months of these hot temps and it will be gorgeous again until next June.

I also planned 2 more shoots…I love being organized and scheduled ahead. NOW I just need to schedule my next cam show. Will let you know about that soon. K?

Here are a few more updates that are coming your way.

Create a great day!!



Good morning all you awesome peeps! I had a scare this morning! I woke up and found a Scorpion in my bathroom, Yikes!! Of course I screamed like a little girl. lol! I know this is Arizona and the desert has lots of them, but I have only seen 1 other Scorpion in my house. I see them in the garage sometimes, but they have all been dead. I have my house sprayed every other month so needless to say it was a bit shocking. A great way to wake up. HA! I have always had a no kill policy in my house, I refuse to kill anything except for today. I have been stung by one before and it’s not pretty. It hurts like hell! I got stung on my foot and my entire leg was swollen and the pain was unbelievable!  I worry about them stinging my dogs, that would be even worse so the little critter had to die. Maybe he will survive the toilet flush..maybe not?? Of course I took a pic to show you. Me and my camera are rarely apart. hehe! 😉

Went out with friends last night to a new sports bar, it was a pretty cool place. Had lots of fun! And I did behave myself, no hangover today. 🙂 🙂  Yay! Good thing because I have lots of chores to do around my house today, I didn’t get them all done yesterday. I am also going to go workout this afternoon …then unwind in front of the TV tonight. I love Sunday nights.

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend so far!!


My New Pics!! ;)

Woohoo Saturday has arrived, I am very happy to see the weekend after an insane past week. Whew! 🙂 🙂 I am a little tired today, a storm hit around 3:00 am..lots of rain, thunder and lightning which means my dog freaks out. I just don’t know how to calm him down. Any ideas? I didn’t fall back to sleep until 6:00, ugh! I will be needing a nap today for sure. I feel a lot better today..bye-bye hangover. I am going out tonight and already have decided to take things slow. I am back to the gym today and ready for an awesome weekend!! I had so much FUN in my cam show last night, thanks guys!! Love ya bunches!!! 😉

My new photos went up this morning!! And wow, thanks for the compliments already! Love that! Thanks sooooo  much!

ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!!!!!!!! Make it great!


Getting Ready For My Cam Show Last Night =)

Drunk Rachel On Thursday Night