Category: Misc photos

~So True~

I love this …thanks Amy for sending it to me! I tell people this all the time!! If your life isn’t going the way you want..find new people to surround yourself with. Get rid of the or friends.. move on to happy & positive people! The negative people just bring you down. It happened to me before so I speak from experience. I got rid of all the shitty people in my life many many years ago and my life changed dramatically! Everything..and I mean “everything” got better!! 🙂 Life is too short peeps!!

I am off to go shopping today with my mom…then we are having dinner at our friends Mexican restaurant tonight. Yummm! Fun Fun!

I will look at my schedule over the weekend and plan my next cam show.. I need to plan my next shoot too. This will be my first shoot as a brunette, I am excited!;)

Have a terrific Tuesday..make it great!!!


Thank You!!

Good morning!! Whew my past two days were swamped…felt like 2 Monday’s in a row! Ugh! As I look back on Mon & Tues I am happy they are over and I accomplished as much as I did. I procrastinated a few things that I am glad are DONE finally! I do that sometimes! 😉

Looks like no camping trip for me this week..bummer!! Oh well..once again it is out of my control. I am going to plan a trip in early October, which will be great weather. I can’t wait to wear some jeans! 🙂 My favorite piece of clothing!!

A big thank you Stephen for the black waist cincher, I love it! I already wore it once and matched it up with a sexy pair of thigh highs also sent by Stephen!! Love them both! Thanks again!! 🙂 Also thank you very much Ross for the beautiful glass toy!! He even engraved my name!! I can’t wait to use it in my cam shows and shoots! Be sure to check out his site…  He makes a lot of other pretty things..not just toys!! Tell him Rach sent you! 🙂

One of my past cam shows went up in my members area so if you missed it…here is it! Fun time with you guys always! I gave away 2 sexy pair of panties which I love doing!

Create a great day everyone..ENJOY!


~11 Years Ago~

Waking up to a rainy morning, kind of fits the day really! The first thing I thought of was the date! I can’t believe it’s been 11 years! I am thinking of the fallen and also the heroes…very sad! I have never been to NY, but I will make it there someday. I would love to see the memorial. I remember that day just like yesterday, such a tragedy! Doesn’t it just make you realize how short life really is, it can be taken from us anytime..anywhere!

I decided yesterday to make today a shoot day! I got an email from one of the local resorts that they did some remodeling and they invited me to stay with them for a discounted price..I can’t pass that up, especially since their rooms are so expensive. I am excited to have a fun day and night! 🙂 I will be sure to tweet some pics for you!! Be sure to follow me! 🙂

I hope you all have a great Tuesday!!



Smell the flowers ;)

Good morning!! 🙂 🙂 How was your weekend?? Mine was great, I really enjoyed lounging around yesterday …doing absolutely nothing!! I watched a lot of football and was so happy that the the Arizona Cardinals won! Wow..what a game, I wasn’t sure if they could hang on to win, but they did! Woohoo! I stopped by my parents house on Saturday night on the way to a b-day party and they were watching the Nebraska/UCLA game ..the part I saw they didn’t look good. Poor Huskers! My brother was at the game, I bet he was disappointed. My family is pretty nuts when it comes to football..growing up in NE kind of makes you that way. I am just so happy football season is back. Love it! When I think of football I always think about cooler temps coming our way..which they have! We have finally made it out of the triple digits! Yay!

It is such a gorgeous morning..I always spend some time outside with my dogs and this morning I smelled the most amazing scent! I figured out it was the yellow flowers on the side of my house…they are starting to bloom. Mmmm I wish I could bottle that scent sweet and fresh! I am thinking all the rain we got this weekend is making my flowers and plants very happy! 🙂

I have a busy Monday as usual…here I go! Chop-Chop! Have a fantastic day!! Be sure to take some time out of your busy lives and smell the roses!! Or any flower will work..hehe!

