Category: Misc photos

*Happy 4th Of July*

Good morning.. Happy 4th Of July!! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating our independence! 🙂 🙂

It is cloudy and raining today..only high of 94! Nice!! I have some work to do today then I am going to shoot a pool video this afternoon…even if it rains. Might be fun to splash around in the water while it rains! I am going to make something on the grill for dinner, but not sure what yet? Maybe some turkey burgers? I am lucky enough to be able to see fireworks from my house so I don’t have to leave. I know one of my dogs will not be happy when they start going off..he is afraid of them. Poor baby!

Whatever you do safe and have FUN! Enjoy your holiday with friends and family!!


Baby Bobcats

Ohhh how cute! Look what I saw in my tree this morning? Two baby bobcats..look close, one is kind of hiding. 🙂 It kind of made me a little nervous thinking momma bobcat might be close so I put my dogs inside..although I don’t think she would attack. Would she?

It is Chica’s birthday today so we are going out to celebrate. This will be my 6th night in a row out. Whew! I am taking Thursday off and then going out again on Friday and Saturday…it’s kind of nice to stay busy. Sunday will have to be my relax day! 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful hump day! Enjoy!


Sick :(

Hey guys…I have to reschedule my cam show for tonight. I am sorry! I am sick..going to the doctor this afternoon. I am thinking a day cam show for next week….thoughts? I haven’t done a day show in a long time. I just want to feel better and then I will look at my schedule for next week.

I did add some past cam shows to my members area..I know that will make some of you very happy. 🙂

I am wishing you all a happy hump day!


Thank you Stephen!

Good morning! I have been up since 6:00 working my ass off. I knew today was going to be busy..but geeesh! It’s ok ..I want to be able to enjoy my weekend away from my computer. 😉

I want to thank Stephen for the gifts!! Besides the wand I got some sexy Steve Madden heels that I absolutely love!!! Thank you so much!!!!! I love Steve Madden shoes, they fit my feet perfectly because I have a super high arch. Can’t wait to wear them and also get naughty with my “massager.” hehe!

I am off soon to take my dog for her chemo treatment. I will probably take her to run a few errands with me. She has been hanging out with me more lately, I even took her out to dinner with me the other night. People were giving her lots of love! I love animal lovers! 🙂 🙂 I think it says something about the person. Ya think?

Have a great Friday everyone..enjoy!!!
