Category: Misc photos

Not a healthy week afterall… ~hehe~

Happy Hump Day everyone!! I just got home, I had an appointment at 8:00 this morning. I realized how lucky I am that I don’t have to drive in morning traffic. Geesh…it is nuts out there! Crazy drivers!! I was starving and didn’t have a protein shake with me (uh oh)….so my car just kind of pulled into Jack In The Box. lol! It just happened, I seriously had no control. hehe! I guess today is my cheat day for the week. I actually start a super strict diet and workout routine tomorrow. Oh shit! It starts the 1st (tomorrow) and goes until the middle of October. I am scared, but I know I do it. So I better cheat now. ha! I am leaving for CA in October for a little vacation so I will stop my routine the day I leave. I will tell you that disgusting breakfast tasted pretty good, but now I feel guilty!!!  I shared with my dogs so I didn’t have to eat all of it. Even they can cheat once in awhile. 🙂

So I have a busy day today…need to work on my computer, but also work around my house. I have a few things I am working on. 🙂 It is so nice and quiet today, I am loving the peace!! And the weather is GREAT! It is only 80 degrees…ahhh! The cool down starts today. Woohooo!

Have an awesome day everyone! ENJOY!

A healthy week ahead! :-)

Happy Monday morning!!! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!! 🙂 Mine was really good…except the Cardinal game sucked! My neighbors had a little party so I decided to go for a bit. It was fun, but the game was crap! The only game they won was the one I didn’t watch. LOL Oh well..I still love my football…and will still cheer them on. I have a HUGE week ahead …I have stuff going on every day! Yuk! Busy Busy Busy!

I must stay healthy and energized to get through this crazy week. These protein shakes will help me do that. I have pretty much tried them all…and this is the one I like the best. Cheers!! I am off to cook breakfast for my dogs…ground turkey, yams and veggies.
I hope you all have a great Monday!


~~~Thank you~~~

Good morning! Wow..I am feeling great today! The best so far this week. I was dealing with a rash caused by some new soap that I tried. OOPS..won’t be using that EVER again! I got some cream from the dermatologist and it is working..finally some relief. No more itching..woohooo! 🙂

A big thank you to Larry for the AZ Cardinal calendar! I had no idea who sent it because there was no note inside the box. Thank goodness for Twitter …I found out who sent it to me. 🙂 Been trying to tweet more so be sure to follow my “oh so exciting” life. LOL! J/K of course! I am a creature of habit..that’s for sure.

I really try to keep up with Myspace and Facebook too, but sometimes it is hard..I need more hours in the day. So if you have sent me a message, I will get back to you eventually. 🙂

I need to go have some fun today. Not sure what?? But I will find some fun!

I hope you all have a Super Awesome Thursday!

Love these pics!

Good morning!! Did you make it through your Monday ok??  I hope so!! 🙂

A friend from Sweden sent me these beautiful flower photos. Wow..aren’t they gorgeous? It was nice to wake up with them in my email..they made me smile. 🙂 It is always good to take time out of our busy lives and enjoy the little things! A big thank you to Kenneth for sending them!

I have a busy day ahead…work as usual, but lots of little things that I need to finish up. I have so many different projects going on right now, it is time to finish them. It is starting to get overwhelming. And I don’t do good with overwhelming. LOL!

I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!! ENJOY!