Category: Misc photos

*Donate your old cell phones*

Happy Tuesday!! Another amazing day in the desert…cloudy and in the 80’s. Nice!! I just got done cooking for my doggies. It is strange, but I kind of like cooking first thing in the morning. Even though I don’t like to eat first thing, it smells yummy! I made chicken breasts, wheat pasta and steamed veggies. That should cover them for a few days. Sometimes they eat better than me. 🙂 I can’t say enough how awesome this homemade diet has been for them. WOW! They are healthy, happy and have tons of energy. After almost 2 years I think I have it down. Yeah! It is time consuming and costly..but they are way worth it! 🙂

I have been cleaning out some of my junk drawers the past few nights…we all have them, right? Just some more than others. I am pretty good about throwing out “junk”..I am not a pack rat at all. I am too much of a clean freak to be that.  Any way…I found 6 old cell phones that I am going to donate. There are a lot of great organizations out there …so do your research and find one that you like! 🙂 I did donate three pair of old glasses the other day too. I never even thought about that until recently. Why throw stuff away when it can benefit someone else? 🙂 My “junk drawers” are looking much better now.

Hmmm, not much going on in Rachel’s world today….just getting some much needed work done. I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday so far!!


Thanks again Luis!!

A big thank you to Luis for the beautiful drawing once again! 🙂 I love it!! 🙂

Happy Saturday everyone!! I am taking today off..meeting a girlfriend at the mall for some lunch and a little shopping. It is going to be a great day to get out and enjoy the weather a bit..only in the 90’s. I know that sounds hot, but it is really nice. I hope you all enjoy your weekend!! I have to get my butt moving so I won’t be late. ENJOY your Saturday!


Lots of critters in the desert…….

Good morning!! Sorry I didn’t get a chance to write yesterday. I worked on my laptop in my living room all day and every time I thought about posting, I got distracted . No..I don’t have ADD. ~wink~  I was a little slow from the shoot on Wednesday. HA! We had a lot of fun!! I am feeling good today. I have to run a few errands this morning, but will be back to work most of the day. Nothing too crazy going on this Friday. The weather is supposed to cool back in the 90’s..woohoo! Those 100’s are a killer.  What do I expect ?? I live in the desert. 🙂
Interesting little critters, aren’t they? hehe! These two were hanging out on my front patio last night…creepy, but kind of cute too. lol!
I am off to eat, shower and run my errands…be back shortly. Have a great Friday everyone!!!!


Thank you Luis from Spain! :)

Ooooh I am tired this morning! I didn’t sleep very good. 🙁 Was up a lot..couldn’t seem to get comfortable. I suppose a nap might be possible later today. I had so much fun yesterday with my mom. We had a nice healthy lunch and shopped a lot, but only bought a few things!! NOW back to work for me today.

A big thank you to Luis for the awesome drawing! It is beautiful! Thanks for taking time to think of me! I Love it~

I hope you all enjoy your Thursday..make it a great one!