Month: April 2011

~Spring Fever~

Good morning!! 🙂 Happy Tuesday to you all!! It is a beautiful day in Arizona, I love Spring..minus the allergies. The desert is so pretty right now with all the flowers blooming..see pics! 😉 I took the day off yesterday and we went to try and find some snow, but no luck. Found just enough to make a snowball or two. lol! The temps were too warm so the snow melted pretty fast. We drove our ATV’s into this tiny little town and had lunch and a cocktail. It was such a fun Monday!!! Back to work today..I think I am going to take my laptop outside and work. It is way too nice to be inside. I might as well enjoy it while I can, before the summer heat hits.

Have a great day everyone!!


~~New Pics~~

Hey everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend so far!! The rain is gone and sun is shining. It is such a beautiful day! The rain was nice, I enjoyed it. I accomplished so much around my house yesterday..everything I wanted to do is done! Yay! I am heading back to the gym today, an entire week away from the gym is soooo bad! I am feeling so good finally..except a little cough and a funny voice. hehe! I think I will spend some time outside today. I have been trying to stay inside because of my allergies..but now that I got my shot I should be good to go.

My new pics went up yesterday, I hope you will enjoy them!! I always love shooting for you guys. I am trying to schedule my next shoot and I think it will be in AZ. I want to shoot in CA again soon too. I could use a little time away. 😉
Have a fantastic day!



A Wet Saturday!

Good morning, happy Saturday everyone! Yay, my favorite day of the week has arrived! AND I am feeling really good. 🙂 I am thinking by Monday I should be back to my normal healthy self. I have my energy back..which is great timing. I need to get some stuff done around my house today. Besides cleaning and laundry I want to finish putting together a chandelier I bought for my entry way. I had my electrician put it up, but he said I have to hang the crystals..oh the fun part. It is very tedious, I have put up 4 new ones in my house so far and it’s not fun. I am on this major crystal chandelier kick. They really spice up a room, it is the little details that pull everything together ..cause I am such a decorator. HA! I also want to clean out my closet..well I don’t really WANT to, I need to. I did some online shopping last night and found some really awesome summer clothes..some shirts, pants, dresses, 2 bikinis and a pair of shoes. Lord knows I do not need any more shoes, but they are so awesome and I really don’t have a lot of white heels for summer. Soooo I promised Buzz I would get rid of some more clothes, as he “suggested.” I always give them to charity so it’s all good. 🙂

It is a rainy chilly day…very different than the 100 degree temps last weekend. Huge change..but I like it. A great day to stay home and get work done. I am going to take the weekend slow so I can get well. I did get a burst of energy last night, I felt like cooking/baking. Weird, huh? I already picked up my dinner out so I decided to make my dogs some homemade peanut butter dog treats. Yum! They love them! I swear I cook for them more than I do myself..kind of strange, huh? No just kidding..but I do cook every meal homemade for them. It has been over 3 years now..and they are happy healthy babies. 🙂 If you are interested in ever making your dogs some healthy goodies, check this site out. ..scroll down and click on dog treat recipes. I have tried several of them, my dogs LOVE them. 🙂

I will be working on my update I guess I should stop babbling. Can you tell I feel better? hehe! Back to my normal Rachel babble!!

Here are a few more updates coming your way. Love you guys..and thanks SO MUCH for all the get well wishes. You make me smile!!! And I love smiles!

Have a wonderful weekend! ENJOY!

Happy To Be Feeling Better!!! =)

Boy O Boy I am so happy to be feeling better, not quite myself YET, but getting there. Whew..what a week! I am looking forward to the weekend to maybe have some fun? Get out of the house a bit? I have enough rest and relaxation for awhile now. It has cooled down enough for me to shut off the air conditioner. Yay! Rain is coming tomorrow which I always like. I wanted to stop by today and wish you a HAPPY FRIDAY!

ENJOY!! 🙂 🙂
