Category: Doggies


Hey hey everyone!! Wow it’s really feeling like winter around here lately..rain and colder temps. I had to bring out my down comforter ..but have not had to turn the heat on yet. I barely just turned off the air conditioning. lol! I have been a busy bee both with work and my personal life. Seems like those errands and appointments never end. I might go Christmas shopping and out to dinner tonight. Sounds fun on this rainy day. I always make time for relaxation and fun too! 😉

I had a great weekend. Buzz shot Devon Michaels for our sites …and I finally got to meet her!! We went out for dinner and drinks. She is really awesome!! Not only beautiful with an amazing body, but sooooo sweet! Goodies coming soon! 😉

We also met up with a potential model for AzianiIron …she is a big bodybuilder and really pretty. Her body is rock hard!! The Cardinals won again on Thursday night!! Woohoo! Unfortunately the quarterback got hurt. The second one of the season..not good. 🙁 Saturday Buzz and I went out for lunch, enjoyed some Mexican food and margaritas. YUM! 🙂 Then we had friends over, relaxed by the fire-pit with a few cocktails. That pretty much sums up my fun lately. I am working ALL week a lot then ready to have more fun this weekend. We were invited to two Christmas parties, one being an ugly sweater party. I love those!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous hump day!


If you want to see more pics please follow me on twitter!



Good morning!! 🙂 I hope you all had a great weekend!! I am bummed the Arizona Cardinals lost yesterday…a bad game! I don’t think they are going to make it to the SuperBowl this year…that would have been cool since it’s here in AZ. I do think the new coach is doing a good job! Even though I watched a few hours of football yesterday I still accomplished a lot! I was a busy bee this weekend..I even put my Christmas tree up! Yay! 😉 It’s yet another beautiful day in the desert! I heard rain and cooler temps are coming which is ok. I have a busy work day then I am off to the gym and to get a massage. Ahhh!! I hope you all have a fabulous day!


BFF’s..these 2 are inseparable! Too cute!

Holiday weekend!

Good morning! Did you all have a nice Thanksgiving? And Black Friday? My Thanksgiving was awesome!!! I didn’t shop yesterday…no way you will catch me in those crowds! No thanks! I did look around online, but didn’t find anything I wanted. I enjoyed sleeping in yesterday …Buzz and I snuggled up with our dogs/cat and watched a movie in bed. No place I would rather be!! 🙂 I did get out and run some much needed errands and also went out to lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant. Today I am catching up on my laundry and cleaning. Tomorrow I think I will relax and enjoy some football. I hate to sound like a broken record, but WOW our weather is beautiful. I’m going to open up my windows, crank up some good tunes and work my ass off today. Cleaning is always good exercise. 🙂 People always ask why I don’t have cleaning people..first I actually like cleaning and second been there done that. I am too picky, too anal. Nobody can clean my house like I can. I find it relaxing, weird, huh? 😉 Never said I was normal. LOL! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!! Enjoy!


Some silly turkey day pics!

Too cute not to share, Mia loves her daddy!

~Happy Thanksgiving~

Good morning!! A big happy turkey day to everyone!! I LOVE THANKSGIVING!! I don’t need a holiday to remind me how blessed I am…I know that every day. Never take anything for granted and always always be thankful for what you have! Enjoy the small things! I am off to spend the day with family…going to 2 different houses which will be fun!! Lots of food, cocktails, games, football and laughs! 🙂 🙂 I had such a great vacation in Cancun… 7 nights of pure relaxation! No phone or computer… now that’s a real vacation! It was one of the best trips ever and we got to share the fun with some awesome friends! I will post some photos after I gather them all together, K? It’s always nice coming home…I missed my furry babies so much. I am so fortunate that my parents come to my house to dog/cat sit 🙂 We sat out by the fire-pit the other night and snuggled up with our babies. I think they missed us too! 😉 Home Sweet Home! It is so beautiful in the desert right now…80’s today and 70’s coming. Nice!! It was rainy in Cancun the first few days, but then sunny the rest of the time. Omg I am not used to the humidity! My skin loved it… but my hair did not. I prefer dry to humid any day. Here are a few pics I took …I will post more.

Wishing you all the best holiday! 🙂
