Category: Misc photos


Finally the SuperBowl has arrived!! People are so excited for the game (including me) can feel it in the air!! I am meeting some friends to watch the game at a sports bar in Phoenix. It will be crazy busy …but I think the more the merrier today! Can’t wait..should be a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon! 🙂

Can you believe it is February 1st already? Well that means if you open your AVN Online calendar you will see little ole me looking at you all month. How!  If you want a calendar, let me know. They sent me a huge box of them. Email me for details. K?

Only one thing left to say and that’s…GOOOOOO CARDS!
Have a great Sunday everyone, I have a million things to do before I can leave today. ENJOY!

Shooting Today…woohooo~~~~~ :)

Good morning!! What can I say except I am super excited for my photo shoot today. I am soooo needing to get out the house for a Sexy Naughty day! My stress level has been a little on the high side lately so today I get to release some in a very good positive way! 🙂 I will be sure to work hard for you guys!
I went to the health food store yesterday and stocked up on some vitamins, tea and healthy food & snacks. When I am stressed, I eat ..and not the healthy stuff either. Some people react the better way and starve themselves. LOL! Not me..unfortunately I love food too much. One good thing is that most of my weight goes directly to my boobs. lol..truth be told. I had some delicious soup for dinner last night (see pic) that was really good, the flavor was soooo yummy! I love mushrooms and sweet potatoes. M’m M’m  I am getting tired of all the typical foods that I always eat so I am starting to think out of my box a little bit. Which I think is a good thing.
Time to jump on the treadmill for 30 minutes, shower, shave and shoot. I hope you are having a great day!! ENJOY your Thursday, the weekend is right around the corner.


Go Cardinals!!

Woohoo, the red birds won! What an exciting game! I have no doubt the SuperBowl will be awesome! I wish I could go, but even if I could..I can’t get away right now. 🙁 I am just too busy. Geesh, I really hope things slow down a bit in February. ~whew~ January has been one big blur! I don’t have much time to write today..but I did want to wish you all a Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!! Enjoy your holiday!! Also great news regarding the Aziani sponsored motorcycle. Lin and his team won FIRST PLACE! Yeah…way to go guys! We are thrilled! Plus we sold lots of cool Aziani clothes! A very promising 2009!!! They are driving back from Florida..OH gosh, what a drive!! I think the flight is bad enough. ha! I will share some pics when I get them. Have an awesome Monday!

A foggy Monday!

Happy Monday everyone! It is super foggy this morning, which is pretty rare for us. It is pretty cool to see all the clouds so low. I know it doesn’t take much to entertain me. lol! I am off soon to shop, yeah!! I love days like this. 🙂 I am going to Vegas soon and need some sexy  Vegas clothes, you know what I am talking about. Clothes I would never wear at home, but can get away with in Vegas. *wink*  😉

I love that place!

The Fiesta Bowl is happening tonight so traffic might be a little nuts around town. It is supposed to be a nice clear day, not that it matters when they play inside a stadium. I really don’t care who wins. I think it is Ohio Buckeyes and Texas Longhorns, who do you guys want to win?

Well I am off now…shower and shop! Have a wonderful Monday!