Category: Misc photos

The desert is blooming…and I can’t stop sneezing

Good morning, a big happy Thursday to you all!!!!!! My days are so messed up. Feels like a Monday since I took the last two days off.  I needed to re-coop yesterday. 🙂 Today I am feeling energized and ready for a busy work day. I need to detox my body ..OMG, I ate way terrible and drank too much. My body was not happy with me yesterday. lol! That’s ok…back to the health kick and exercise today. I already had my oatmeal this morning..packed with flax seeds, strawberries, blueberries and bananas. Yum! I don’t add any sugar so at least this way I can get natural sugar. 🙂

My allergies started to act up the other day, I think it was because I spent the entire day outside at my party. I started to set up at noon and didn’t really go inside until late that night…or should I say early the next morning? (ha) Everything is blooming and really looks so pretty. Some added color to the brown desert is always nice. I took a few photos from my front yard. I love to look at all the pretty colors, just not sniff them. I feel ok, but I can not stop sneezing. I spent all day yesterday inside and that seemed to help. Another day indoors will do the trick. 🙂 It is 100 degrees today…summer is here!

I hope you all have a great day..and be sure to take some time and “smell the roses.” haha!!!

~Happy Cinco De Mayo~

Cheers! I hope you have a great day and will get out and enjoy a little celebration of Cinco De Mayo. I am 100 percent ready for my party..woohoo! I just need to pick up all the yummy food I ordered. My all time favorite is Mexican food! Delicious! I snapped a few photos when I was setting up yesterday. Ha, lots of cocktails and of course water & soda as well. Some of my friends can party like Rock Stars and some don’t drink at all. So I must accommodate both. 🙂 I hope you all enjoy your Tuesday!! I am off now..I have lots to do.


~Here kitty, kitty, kitty~

If I didn’t add a photo, you would think I am talking about the other kitty. hehe..PERVERTS! LOL

Nothing like a bobcat hanging out in your backyard hunting for dinner. Isn’t he/she pretty? I have seen a few roam around my neighborhood, but only twice in my backyard. It was just starting to get dark outside and the birds were flying in for the night…dinner time for the bobcat. I sat outside and watched it walk back and forth just waiting for the right time to catch a bird…but then I thought “ok, I really don’t want to see that!” Yuk! I know its nature, but I don’t want to see it. I love watching the animal shows on TV, but once they start hunting and killing their prey, I turn the channel. Can’t watch it. Any ways..I thought the bobcat was super cool and wanted to share a few photos that I took. He/she was not even afraid of me, I think I was more scared. ~ugh~

I hope you are having a great weekend so far!! I had a nice day yesterday…even though I didn’t have my picnic, I did get out of the house for an early dinner and relaxed in the hot tub a bit. I had a bottle of champagne from New Years that I never I popped it last night. No reason..just thought a glass of bubbly would be good in the hot tub..and it was. 🙂

Today I am working most of the day and off to do some shopping later this afternoon. I am having a little Cinco De Mayo party on Tuesday so I need to pick up some party goodies and order all my yummy Mexican food. I have two Mexican restaurants close to my house so I am going into both of them today to check out their catering menu. Should be fun! I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! ENJOY!


~Now that is beautiful~

Wow..look at this sunset. (minus the camera flash, lol..never said I was a good photographer..hehe) Arizona has some of the most beautiful sunsets ever! Just Gorgeous! The sun comes blasting through my front door so I am thinking of tinting my windows. That should help with the air conditioning bill for sure.

HAPPY SATURDAY everyone, I hope you have a great weekend!! I was gone all day yesterday…I attended a seminar that my sister in law was volunteering for. It was interesting, but a lot of sitting in a very uncomfortable chair. My back was starting to hurt. I sit a lot at my desk, but I take little breaks and walk around. I am glad I went though..I learned a few things. And learning is always good! 🙂 Challenge our brains!! 🙂

This morning I am pretty busy with my typical weekend chores. I need to clean and do my laundry. Shouldn’t take too long. After that I think I might take my dogs to the dog park. It is pretty nice outside today..not too hot yet. I am thinking a picnic would be kind of fun. I haven’t done that in a long time. Make some food and take a blanket..just sit under a tree and enjoy life…play with my doggies. I love to enjoy the little things in life because they really do mean the most. 🙂
Have a great day!!