Category: Misc photos

~~~Have A Great Weekend~~~

Happy Saturday!! It is a special day for is my anniversary! 🙂 So that means lots of romantic fun for me today…. and of course tonight. *wink*
We have dinner reservations at one of the BEST restaurants in Phoenix..yummy! We have some naughty fun planned after that. hehe! No cameras allowed. LOL!
How was your Halloween??? Mine was nice and relaxing, handed out candy and went over my neighbors house for cocktails. We had interesting conversation about politics. I think I drank a little too much because I am sloooow moving today. Uh oh!  Look at this huge bowl of candy I have left. What is a girl to do with all that candy? Nerds…Skittles, all my favorite candy too! Hmmm!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! ENJOY!!!!!! I am off to have lots of fun today. Not my typical Saturday…that’s for sure! 😉



Happy Halloween everyone! You must love this holiday! I will be staying home handing out candy tonight. Hopefully lots of kids come OR I will be stuck eating all this candy. HA! I am not a big candy/sugar eater, but I did buy candy I like. Uh oh!
I might head over to the pumpkin patch today. Take a hayride and pick out a big ole pumpkin. That sounds fun! 😉 I am off now to the gym, get in a super early workout. Woohoo..(haha)

I hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween..go enjoy!!!!!!!!


Yikes…now that is a big spider!!

Morning!! I am feeling almost normal today. haha, whatever “normal” is. I did fight off this nasty cold that everyone has been passing back and forth. yeah! Guess my healthy eating, working out and vitamins helped!

I had a fun day yesterday…ended up going out for lunch. The weather was perfect, sat outside and enjoyed the day. After that I met up with some friends that I have not seen in was a fun time. 🙂
Look what was in my driveway when I pulled up. YIKES…a tarantula. Creepy spider~ but kind of cool!

I am off to get some work done..I have a busy day. Have a great one …see you Thursday night for my members only cam show!


~All You Need Is Love~

Good morning all you wonderful people! I woke up early…5:00 and the woodpeckers start pecking at my house. Nice of them to wake me. Ha~ They are such pretty birds, but oh so crazy. They think they own my house…although they don’t pay the mortgage so therefore it is still mine. *lol*

I received a t-shirt in the mail yesterday from an animal organization that I donate to called SPCA. I thought the shirt was so cute…and so true. All we really need is love…and that goes for our pets too! They give us so much love..such unconditional love. My four doggies have no idea how much they have impacted my life…they are my angels.
I have always heard people with pets live longer, happier, healthier lives. VERY TRUE..I believe.
Any ways..if any of you are looking for a pet…go adopt and save a life! They make the best pets ever!
Check out the site …you can always donate some $$$ to help such a great cause.

Well I am off to start my day…eat my Grape Nuts and run my errands. Yesterday was sooo busy that I didn’t even leave my house. Today I must venture out.

Have an awesome day everyone!
Donate to SPCA