Category: Misc photos

**Happy Friday**

Good morning, happy January 2nd! It sure doesn’t feel like Friday..does it? Yesterday felt like a Saturday or Sunday. Everyone was out enjoying the weather. My neighborhood is very quiet and yesterday people were out riding bikes, walking their dogs, was nice to see some humans. lol! I spent some time outside as well. I washed my car, rode my bike and even ran my dogs next to my bike. They loved it. It is going to be another gorgeous day. Did any of you enjoy the football games yesterday? I did! I watched the NE game and was happy to watch them win. I am sure the entire state of NE is is very big in that area.
Today I am off to the gym …I need to start lifting some weights again. All this cardio is ok..but better when mixed with weights. Other than that..a typical work Friday for me.

I hope you will enjoy your day…your weekend!

~Have A Happy Monday~

It is a beautiful morning in the desert, sunny and high 60’s!! I am feeling good today…I slept awesome. I slept a long night. I went to bed at 9:30 and woke up at 8:30…wow, that is a lot of sleep. Must have needed it. I think I might have slept even more, but my dogs woke me up…they were hungry. I whipped up some yummy breakfast for them..hamburger, brown rice and raw veggies. Yum! haha! They eat better than least healthier. 2008 was a pretty healthy year for me, I worked out more..and ate better. However, I can do better in 2009! I am working all day again today….but leaving late this afternoon. I am buying a bike!! I looked around a bit yesterday and found the one I want. It is cool! I am going to start riding the trails in the desert behind my house. I told you I was going to get healthy!! 🙂

A big thank you to “Anthony” for the super cute shirt! I will take some pics in it for sure. I do have to admit I like some “fake” boobies too. Good boobies are good boobies…real or not. The shirt ROCKS though..I do love it! 🙂

Have a great Monday everyone…The New Year is coming quickly!

***Yummy Chicago Pizza***

Good morning, happy Saturday!! The weekend is here so let’s celebrate!! I will be going to dinner and a car show tonight with friends. It probably will be a little nippy outside I was thinking some hot chocolate might be good. (spiked of course) hehe!

A big “Thank You” to Glen for the yummy pizzas!! They came all the way from the windy city to the desert. They sure traveled a long way!! I made one last night for dinner and I have never had pizza like this before. was delicious! I always heard Chicago pizza is the best and I will say IT IS! Thanks Glen, you are a sweetie! Here is their site if you want to check it out.

I hope you all have a great weekend!! Get out and enjoy the holiday season!

Vegas trip cancelled!!

Good morning! I slept in today big time! I was so comfy snuggled in my comforter and monster pillows. 🙂 I was supposed to go to Vegas this morning, but I cancelled my trip yesterday because I am going in January instead. GOOD thing I did..Vegas got snow..and lots of it. I couldn’t believe it, it is not supposed to snow in Vegas! The main road between Phoenix and Vegas was shut down so I would not have been able to get there if I wanted to. The planes were being deverted to Phoenix, poor people stuck here! They were trying to get out of the snow..not back in it. Crazy weather! We had a storm hit last night, tons of rain and wind. But no snow. 🙂 The sun is trying to come out today which is good. Three days of rain is enough for me, I am ready for things to dry out.
I don’t have much planned today except to work out and get some major work done. Nothing too exciting. Maybe I will go see a movie tonight. I want to see Four Christmases..that looks so funny!

Well I am off to hit the treadmill and eat some breakfast. Have a great day!
