Category: Misc photos

Happy Hump Day!

Good morning, happy Wednesday! 🙂

I don’t have much time to chat today, I have another busy work day. I wanted to make sure I said HI and wish you a great day ahead!


~Football Fun~

Good morning …a big happy Saturday to you all! I am feeling a little under the weather today. Ugh!!! Not sure if it is a cold or allergies. My throat hurts and I have a headache from hell! BLAH! I think it is allergies because the change in our weather. It has been cloudy and rainy for three days ..but today the sun is out and 70’s. Nice! I am thinking that is what I need to feel better. 🙂 I started to feel it yesterday so I watched football ALL day. I felt like such a guy. hehe! Only thing I was missing was the pizza and beer. LOL Oh time! I see the Huskers played yesterday and since I was born and raised there I HAD to watch that game. was a good game..very exciting! Watching all those cute boys run around on the field is such a special treat. ~yum~ Any ways I am happy to say they did win. I bet the entire state of NE is going nuts! I know how important football is to them. I have been to many of the games and they are sooo much fun. I am planning a Cardinals game soon. And they are actually good this year. woohoo!

I will be chilling around my house again today so I can feel better. I did feel a lot worse yesterday and into last I think I am already starting to feel better. My entire family has had the flu already and I don’t get flu shots so I need to stay healthy and strong!! Time to hit the gym and get back on my healthy diet starting today. I did actually walk on my treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes straight uphill…it was hard considering I had zero energy, but I did it. 🙂

Have a great weekend…ENJOY!

~Happy Turkey Day~

A big happy Thanksgiving to all of you! One of my favorite holidays for sure, maybe even my top #1. Eating, drinking and enjoying family is always fun! And of course giving thanks..must not forget that. I just put my turkey in the oven …I am very excited and nervous at the same time. I hope it tastes yummy! Anything made with apples, onions, garlic and last but not least CHAMPAGNE has to be good in my book. hehe! I will let you know how it turns out. I made my dessert and my mashed potatoes last night so the only thing I have left is the stuffing and green bean casserole. I almost forgot that! I love green bean casserole! My family is bringing over another turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, scalloped potatoes, salad, rolls and of course pumpkin pie. Wow..that is a lot of food!!!! Plus I have appetizers, ugh! I will need to work out super hard in the next few days.
Oh well~
Have an awesome holiday, enjoy your Thanksgiving!!!!!!

Curious Birds….

Good morning!! Happy Thursday! Only one more day until my b-day! Yeah!!!!! 🙂 The fun starts today/tonight. I am leaving shortly to go shopping with Dakota, we are going to have a nice lunch and shop shop shop!! After that we are heading down to the airport to pick up a friend flying in from Baltimore. Wow…that is a long flight. The next few days are going to be so much fun. 🙂

So as you see by the pics I posted, I had a few friends fly into my house yesterday. One landed on “tut”…and the other one flew into my formal dining room. Crazy Birds! Lets just say, it was not very fun trying to get them back out. They are silly birds!! They walk right by the dogs..they are fearless! They are cute though.

Ok..I am off to shower now. Have a great day!