Month: February 2010

The PetSmart PetWalk was a HUGE success!!!

Happy Monday morning!!! I am waking up to yet another gloomy day…very dark clouds and more rain coming. We got lucky yesterday, it didn’t rain on our pet walk. Woohoo!! It turned out great, a little cloud coverage ..but no rain. It actually got warm as we walked. It was perfect!!! The dogs had so much fun, it was very overwhelming with all those dogs, they didn’t quite know how to act. The website this morning said 7000 people attended and at least that many pets. They raised $373,000!!!! Woohoo, that is awesome! Thanks again to everyone that donated!! I can’t wait to do it again next year. We went out after the walk… most restaurants allow dogs on their outside patios. We sat outside and enjoyed a cocktail and some appetizers. What a great day! Here are a few pics ..I will post the rest of them inside my members area in my scrapbook section.

My Monday is not too crazy. I need to get some work done, I have a 10:00 appointment and go to the gym later this afternoon. I hope you all enjoy your day! 🙂

Team Aziani!!

Chica & I walking our babies..Josie sporting her new lion cut!

Our kids!

Not sure if he wants my food or my Red Bull? lol!


Good morning!!! I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far! 🙂 I woke up to rain again today..uh oh! The pet walk is this afternoon so we all might get very wet…including our furry friends. Whatever happens, it will be fun and worth it! I am so looking forward to it. 🙂 A big thank you to “Arthur” from twitter for the sweet donation, thanks sooo much! Woohoo, I raised $580.00 for all the homeless pets, I am so thankful for all you generous and caring people!! You can still donate if you would like to.

I will be sure to take some photos to share!

Speaking of photos..I just updated my new set. Take a look, here are a few to “wet your whistle.” hehe

I wish you all a happy Sunday!

~Thank You~

Happy Saturday everyone!! I hope you are having a great weekend so far!! 🙂 It just started raining here, it is super dark outside. Better today than tomorrow. I have a few people to thank today. A big thank you to Mike & Karen for the pet walk donation! I have raised $530.00… WOOHOO, I have reached my goal of $500.00. Of course thanks to all of you guys that donated. I am excited for the walk, hopefully the rain will be gone OR 4 wet dogs could get ugly. lol! Especially since they just got groomed ..they look so pretty and clean. They are excited to strut their stuff. lol

Thank you Eric for the beautiful diamond necklace. I love love love it!!! I can’t wait to wear it in a photo shoot. I will be shooting in CA at the end of this month so I will be sure to take it with me. Thanks so much, you have great taste babe!

I did have a few things planned today, but with the rain plans have changed. Soooo I am going to start cleaning my house. Maybe tonight go see a movie. Sounds good to me…especially since it is raining. Enjoy your day! Have fun!



Good morning, happy Friday everyone! 🙂 I am excited for this weekend, especially the pet walk on Sunday. Yipppeee…should be fun! I finished all my errands yesterday, came home for a quick rest and went out to dinner with my girlfriend Chica! We ate some yummy Mexican food. Good stuff! I was pretty tired last night, slept like a baby..and feeling fine today. I only have one appointment today and the rest of my day is FREE! I like that. It is going to be another beautiful day!! Tomorrow is supposed to cool with rain, I just hope Sunday is nice for the walk. Keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂

Have a great Friday..ENJOY!