Month: February 2010

PetSmart Charity PetWalk is here again!!

Good morning! Happy Thursday everyone! 🙂 I hope your day is going great. It is only 10:00 and I have been working 5 hours already. WOW..amazing what I can get done in the early morning hours. 🙂 I slept so good last night ..guess that is why I woke up so early. I just registered for the PetSmart Charity PetWalk. I did it last year and it was SOOO much fun! I would love if you guys could donate to the event..even a few dollars really would help these abused, neglected and homeless pets!! Plus it is tax deductible!! If you are interested in a donation..check my page out here

This year I registered as a you can search for team “Aziani” also! Thanks guys, it really means a lot to me! 🙂

I am going to continue working today..all day and head out to the gym later. Nothing too nutty going on, which is great!

ENJOY the rest of your day!

~~New Aziani Babe Added~~

Good morning, a big happy hump day to you!! 🙂 Another busy work day for me. Lots to start and lots to finish up. 🙂

The sexy Brooke Haven recently shot for! I had the pleasure of spending some time with her, she is so sweet and OMG, so gorgeous!!! We had lots of fun at a friends wedding celebrating..partying it up!! No doubt you boys and girls will love her, whats not to love?

ENJOY your day!!


Back to work…

Hey everyone! Good morning! 🙂 Back to work for me! I have lots to do, but that is ok..I can handle it. 😉 I spent the past few days with my parents. We had, eating, drinking, enjoying the weather, walking my dogs, renting movies..etc… It was a nice break, like a mini vacation! We all need that once in awhile. Buzz gets back from CA today, he shot some beautiful girls coming your way!! You won’t be disappointed. 😉

I need to get back on track..back to my healthy living. I need to stop at Whole Foods and Hi Health to stock up on some healthy goodies later today, plus I am going to stop in the gym to get an hour or so of cardio. Work off all that yummy food.

I hope you have a wonderful day..enjoy your Tuesday!